  • 學位論文


Analysis of “Confucian Classics” and ‘History”──Discuss The Presentation Methods “History as Confucian Classics” of “Shǐ Jì”

指導教授 : 林聰舜


司馬遷的《史記》在中國文學、史學上皆有重要的地位,然而,由〈太史公自序〉中可以見得,司馬遷並非單純將此作品視為「史書」,反而賦予《史記》更高的期待──希望《史記》能夠發揮經書的褒貶功用,並傳達理想。 因是思之,清代章學誠嘗言「六經皆史」,甚至在章學誠之前,便已有許多學者意識到:經學與史學雖存在差異,但二者的關係卻又無法全然切割。因此,本文首先將整理經學與史學的發展,並由目錄學的角度來看經史的分流,探討史學如何離經而獨立;另一方面,也要分析歷代學者對經史合一的解釋與看法,以求完整釐清經史發展脈絡。 其次,司馬遷所處的時代,是儒學當道的武帝時期。但是,漢初本是盛行黃老,由黃老思想到陸賈、叔孫通,再到董仲舒的獨尊儒術,這其中的轉折與過渡,關係到儒學(經學)如何成為主流,以及連帶影響到司馬遷作《史記》。 最後,本文由時代背景出發討論,再回歸分析《史記》的結構、體裁與內容,並擷取《史記》中重要篇章,進行論述,抽絲剝繭,探究司馬遷如何具體呈現對王道理想的追求。


經學 史學 史記 以史為經


Sima Qian's Shǐ Jì has important status in Chinese literature and historiography. However, it can be seen from the "Preface to Tai Shi Gong" that Sima Qian does not simply regard this work as a "history book", but instead gives higher expectation─ hope that Shǐ Jì can demonstrate the merits and demerits of the classics, and convey the ideal. Therefore, Zhang Xue-cheng in the Qing Dynasty once said that "Six Classics are histories", and even before Zhang Xuecheng, many scholars have realized that: although there is a difference between Confucian classics and history, the relationship between them can not be completely cut. Therefore, this article will first organize the development of Confucian classics and history, and from the point of view of the bibliography to see their diversions, and to explore how the history separated from the Confucian classics. On the other hand, also to analyze the historic scholars’ explanation and point of view about the combination of Confucian classics and history to fully clarify their developments. Secondly, Sima Qian was in the era of Han Wu Emperor with prosperous Confucianism. However, the beginning of the Han Dynasty is the prevalence of Huang Lao, then from Huang Lao to Lu Jia, Shu Sun Tong, and then to Dong Zhongshu to respect Confucianism only, which is a turning point and transition about how Confucianism (Confucian classics) to become the mainstream, and also promote Sima Qian to create Shǐ Jì. Finally, this article discusses from the background of the times, and then come back to analyze of the structure, from and content Shǐ Jì, and to capture the important chapters of Shǐ Jì to discuss, analyze and to explore how Sima Qian practically presented the pursuit of Wangdao ideal.


