  • 學位論文


The effect of illuminance and color temperature of LED desk lights on visual comfort

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


照明的主要目的是使視覺感到明視與舒適,並進而能維持視覺器官的健康。檯燈是我們日常生活中使用的照明光源之ㄧ,常被用來作為工作照明的輔助光源,因此其光源條件非常重要,且LED將成為未來主流光源,所以本研究以LED檯燈為研究方向,進行光源條件的深入探討,期望能找出適合閱讀的光環境,減輕閱讀者的視覺疲勞與提供較為舒適的閱讀光源。 本研究共分為兩階段實驗,第一階段以照度(500 lux / 750 lux / 1000 lux)和色溫(3300k / 6000k)為自變項交叉配對,共六種光環境下進行閱讀舒適度的實驗,主要利用主觀評量問卷模式請受試者評論出對這六種光源的接受程度,期望能找出適合閱讀的舒適光環境。 第二階段在依第一階段的實驗結果選取2種較為舒適的光環境再進行閃光融合閾值(Critical fusion frequency,CFF)客觀評量測試,檢驗受試者在此光環境下的視覺疲勞程度,以力求實驗的嚴謹性。 研究結果光源3(照度1000 lux /色溫 3300k)是本次實驗中最舒適的光源,包含可以清晰的辨別圖象與文字,不會有刺眼、頭痛、疲勞的不舒適感產生。光源5(照度750 lux /色溫 6000k)為次佳舒適光源。兩種光源經過頻閃儀的測試,閃光融合閾值結果均不顯著,顯示光源3和光源5均不會造成視覺疲勞。可以提供給消費者作為購買檯燈的參考依據,另ㄧ方面,也能提供檯燈製造商和研發團隊做為設計檯燈時的參考。 關鍵字: 視覺舒適、照度、色溫、視覺疲勞


視覺舒適 視覺疲勞 照度 色溫


The main purpose of lighting is to make the viewers seeing clearly and comfortably. Desk lamp is one of the common lighting we use in life .In addition, LED is becoming more popular and will be the main stream of lighting in the near future. This study is to find out the best lighting conditions using LED desk lamp to reduce the reader's visual fatigue and provide a more comfortable reading light source. Two stages of experiment are conducted in this research .In the first stage, subject evaluated six different lighting environment 3 illuminance levels (500 lux / 750 lux / 1000 lux) and 2 color temperature levels(3300k / 6000k) to find out the most comfortable combination. The second stage will choose the top 2 comfortable environments from stage 1 to process the CFF experiments to investigate and verify the viewers/testers visual tiredness to make sure the preciseness of this study result of stage 1. The study result shows the light 3 condition (1000 lux/3300k) in experiments is the best lighting condition in reading. This condition can clearly identify the patterns and words without any eye harsh, headache and tiredness in reading. The second best lighting condition is in light 5 condition (750 lux/6000 k). Both conditions have no significant effect in CFF test. In other words, there will have no visual fatigue in these light environments .This study result can be the reference of customers in LED lamp purchasing, and the manufacturers in future LED lamp design. Keywords: Visual comfort Illuminance Color temperature Visual fatigue


Chi,C.F., and Lin,F.T.(1998).A comparison of seven visual fatigue assessment techniques in three data-acquisition VDT tasks.Human Factors,40(4),577~590.
