  • 學位論文


Development of Writings for Literary Genres of Stele Inscription and Entombed Epitaph Inscription from Eastern Han to Mid-Tang Dynastie

指導教授 : 劉承慧


碑文和墓誌文是中國傳統生活中重要的禮儀文本類型,從東漢至清末,碑誌文書寫活動綿延不絕,留下可觀的文本數量。本論文嘗試以篇章結構分析(discourse structure analysis)的方法釐清從東漢至中唐的碑誌文體書寫之演變。文本是形式與意義的結合體,文體則是多篇文本的抽象聚合。透過分析出土碑誌文本和傳世名家作品,首先釐清文體功能和形式,其次梳理該文體在東漢魏晉六朝至中唐韓愈期間的發展變化,最後為長期以來空白頗多之碑誌文體史進行填補與重構。 石碑立在地面上,碑文以散韻組合方式說明有功德之人的職官履歷並頌讚之,墓誌石則埋在墓地裡,墓誌文簡明紀錄亡者的身份與世系資料。遲至在六世紀初期、北魏遷都洛陽後,北方墓誌文明確朝向碑文方向繁化。墓誌文篇章繁化的主要原因是人們將之視為碑文的特殊備份,以防他日石碑毀損時,尚有墓誌刻文替亡者留名,此動機促使碑誌文的形式不再有區別,刊行的器物不同是二種文本僅存的較明顯之差異,故在不嚴格區分的情況下,可合併視為一體。 相較於傳統文學研究,本論文著重分析出土碑誌文稿,釐清眾多作者不詳的文本之典型篇章結構(discourse structure),其次再以傳世文集觀察文學史上三位知名作家的作品特徵。碑誌文發展悠久,期間最有代表性者有東漢蔡邕、南北朝末期庾信,兩人在碑誌文既定的結構基礎上,使文本修辭表達趨於精緻,留下優美的風格類型。至於中唐韓愈則變造了碑誌文的多個局部結構,在隋唐以降碑誌文體極度成熟的背景下,為人們提供新的類型選擇。本論文採用的篇章結構分析方法內含部分古漢語研究之概念與成果,意在找出文本意義的構成模式,期能釐清韓愈之前的碑誌文體史樣貌之餘,嘗試為向來側重內容探討的文學研究提供另一種觀看文本的角度。


碑文 墓誌文 篇章結構 意義構成 文體 風格 蔡邕 庾信 韓愈


Stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription are the important ritual text categories in Chinese traditional living; the writing activities for stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription continued constantly from the Eastern Han to Late Qing Dynasties, leaving a significant quantity of texts. This thesis attempts to clarify the development of writings for stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription from Eastern Han to Mid-Tang Dynasties through discourse structure analysis. Text is the combination of form and meaning, and literary genre(wen ti文體) is the abstract gathering of several texts. Through the analysis of excavated inscriptions, as well as the works from renowned maestros, the functions and writing patterns of this literary genre are first clarified, then its developmental changes during the period from Eastern Han, Wei Jin and the Six Dynasties to Mid-Tang Dynasty were organized, followed by the reconstruction of the literary genre history for stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription in the end, which to a considerable degree has been empty for over the long period of time. Commemorative stones steles were set up on the ground, with the inscriptions introducing and praising the position and experience of the person with merits via combinations of prose and rhymes; whereas entombed stones were buried in the cemetery, with the inscriptions briefly documenting the identity and pedigree data of the deceased. After the Northern Wei has been relocated to Loyang in the early period of 6th century, the Northern entombed epitaph inscription was clearly developing towards the complexity of stele inscription. The main reason for this development was that people treated epitaph inscriptions as a special duplication of commemorative stele inscription, such that the entombed stones may still preserve the posthumous immortality of the deceased in the case when the stele was destroyed one day. This motivation allowed for no differences between stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription, with the different publication implements being the only apparent difference between the two kinds of text. Therefore, they may be deemed as one under the circumstance of not differentiating them stringently. As compared to the traditional literature studies, this thesis is focused on the analysis of excavated stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription, so as to clarify the typical discourse structures for the unknown texts by numerous authors. Secondly, observations on the characteristics of the works from three famous authors in the literature history via renowned anthologies are included. Epigraphic texts have been developed for a long time, amongst which the most representative ones included Cai Yong during Eastern Han Dynasty, as well as Yu Xin during the late Southern and Northern Dynasties. Both of them allowed the text rhetorical expression to tend towards exquisiteness based on the existing structure, thereby leaving graceful styles. As for Han Yu during the Mid-Tang Dynasty has altered the various partial structures of epigraphic text, offering people with new types of options under the background where the literary genres for stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription were excessively matured during the Sui-Tang period. The discourse structure analysis approach applied in this thesis includes concepts and outcomes of certain classical Chinese linguistics studies, with the aim of finding out the composition model for textual meaning, hoping to clarify the literary genre for stele inscription and entombed epitaph inscription before Han Yu, as well as to provide an alternative perspective for observing the texts for literature studies which usually place emphasis on content discussion.




