  • 學位論文


Business Value of Open Data: A Case Study of WeatherRisk Explore Inc.

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


開放資料是當今熱門的全球趨勢,無論公部門、公眾或產業,皆欲利用開放資料成就龐大的公眾利益或商機。政府透過開放資料可提升透明化與施政效能,公眾欲以開放資料強化政府監督,提升生活品質;企業使用開放資料可降低營運成本,創造新的服務並獲取龐大商機。 開放資料的發展可分為公部門與社群兩條發展脈絡。公部門由電子化政府、開放政府資訊等政策所引領,社群的推廣則由開放原始碼、開放內容等開放運動所帶動,彼此相互影響,最終因為開放資料一詞而整合。雖然目標一致,但彼此有著不同的出發點與利益考量。 據麥肯錫研究指出,全球開放資料每年約有3兆美元產值,氣象的開放資料每年的經濟效益則介於15至300億美元之間,是使用開放資料最典型的產業,也成為政府推動開放資料最大的說帖。研究氣象產業相當具有代表性,了解業界如何使用開放資料、開放資料所帶來的效益與衝擊等等,對於其他產業有著諸多可供參考的策略意涵與建議。 因此,本研究利用深入訪談的方式,藉由國內氣象公司的個案,了解開放資料可帶來的產業效益。天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司為台灣最具規模的民營氣象公司,研究該公司使用何種開放資料與處理流程、加值方式,可全面的了解開放資料對於產業的意義與實際的效益。 最後,根據研究可歸納出三項最重要的結論,分別是開放資料形成新的技術障礙,競爭者將重新回到同一起跑點,勝負關鍵在於如何分析大量的開放資料以及如何利用更多其他資料予以整合加值;另外,使用全球同領域的開放資料,可領先本土市場競爭者,並將服務範疇擴及國際市場;最後,開放部分企業本身的資料,可作為與使用者及潛在客戶深入的互動方式、拓展市場版圖的手段。


Open data has become the most popular trend over the world. Public sectors, Citizens and Private sectors are all interested to the benefits open data will bring. Public sectors using open data to advance transparency and efficiency, while citizens using open data to ensure government supervision and a better life, private sectors using open data to lower operational costs, forming new services and enlarge the benefits. Open data movement are developed in two approaches, both are started by public sectors and communities respectively. The movement from public sectors is inherit from the policy of e-government, open government information…etc. while communities developed the idea from some open movements like open source and open content. Although the two approaches have the same goal, actually they are in different aspect and interest. The potential global economic value of open data which estimated by McKinsey is more than $3 trillion annually, while open weather data supports around $1.5 billion in applications and the secondary insurance market – but much greater value comes from accurate weather predictions, which could save the U.S. more than $30 billion annually. Companies in weather and climate industry are the most typical private sectors using open data, knowing how they utilize open data and what the benefits or impacts are, will provide many in-depth strategy and insight. Therefore, this research are using in-depth interview analysis, using local weather company- WeatherRisk Explore Inc. as case study, analyse what data they are using and how the value are being added, having the overall knowledge about the meaning and actual impact from open data. Base on the study, there are three main conclusions. First, open data is becoming a new technical barrier, all competitors are back to the same starting point. The key to win the game is how to analysis mass scale of open data and adding value by mash up with other data. Second, using global open data could have advantages to other local competitors and expand the market to the whole world in the same time. At last, open some of the data from the private sector itself could be a strategy to engage with users and potential customers.


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