  • 學位論文

海關查緝「不法經濟活動」相關問題之研究 —以查緝走私為主

A Study on Relevant Issues of Customs Execute“Illegal Economic Activities” —Focus on Seizing Smuggling

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


「財政為庶政之母」,要確保國家財政收入不虞匱乏,除了需要有穩定成長之經濟環境創造稅收外,對於逃漏稅捐之不法經濟活動之查緝,也應不遺餘力。對於以貿易進出口為主要經濟來源之國家而言,關稅之徵收,無疑占其國家總稅收不少之比例。然而走私此一不法經濟活動,卻對關稅之課徵造成嚴重之傷害,因此對於走私之查緝,是關稅稽徵機關(亦即俗稱之海關)於課徵關稅以外之一項重要業務。走私行為,是一種複雜且牽涉到社會、治安、經濟、國境保安……等問題之行為,尤其海上走私之查緝,即因我國現行各種不同海域之規定,所產生之可否查緝與處罰之問題,與因此所衍生之刑事罰與行政罰可否併罰、同一不法行為因有二以上之行政法規加以規範所產生應如何處罰、以及行政救濟等其他諸多問題,殊值得研究。 而依法規與職權劃分,海關為查緝走私業務之主管機關,殆無疑義,惟僅憑海關一己之力,可能力有未逮,常需仰賴其他機關之協助,尤其是海上走私之查緝(例如海岸巡防署之協助),依海關現有的配備與能力是否可勝任此一龐大的緝私業務,有無需加強與補充的地方,亦值得研究。 此外,因兩岸貿易往來所產生之大陸物品可否輸入臺澎金馬地區、金馬小三通、因管制某些大陸物品而產生之原產地認定與爭議、大陸船舶進入我限制或禁止水域如何處理等問題,隨著兩岸交流之開放腳步,如何妥善處理解決,應予以研究。 而海關之業務,不僅只有查緝走私一項,走私僅是人民所從事之不法經濟活動中之一種,不法經濟活動之種類甚多,侵害智慧財產權即是一種其中,且因為智慧財產權所達到之經濟價值在現今國際貿易中占有之重要地位,故深受各國政府矚目,在我國亦不例外。因此,海關對智慧財產權之邊境管制之措施,應如何配合國際規範(尤其是世界貿易組織之TRIPs協定)予以制定,以善盡海關邊境把關之責任,頗值得探討。本文之內容架構如下: 第一章「緒論」:說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與內容、研究方法與限制。 第二章「海關查緝走私業務暨法規概述」:概略介紹我國海關之沿革、機關組織、業務及權責;另就走私之基本問題,諸如走私、私運之定義,走私與私運於海關緝私條例與懲治走私條例中之規範,其中以管制物品之定義最為重要。至於查緝走私業務之相關問題,最重要的是海關查緝業務之權限與海域執法地位之探討,尤其是海關司法警察權之問題;此外,亦探討與現今走私活動之另一大型態有關的兩岸間之貿易往來,以及所衍生之大陸物品之許可與限制輸入之行政管理等問題。 第三章「海上查緝走私之類型與實務爭議」:將走私之查緝研究限於海上之走私查緝,先介紹公海、領海、緝私水域、內水及限制與禁止水域等各種水域之定義以及關聯;再依序就海域從外而內分別舉實例予以分析刑事判決與行政處分之處理及其間之差異的法律爭點所在,進而希冀找出本文認為妥當之刑事與行政立法政策與判決。而有關大陸物品之進口管制與兩岸人民之走私查緝,先簡介WTO之原產地認定規則,再介紹我國之相關規定;另就大陸物品進入金門馬祖地區與大陸船舶進入臺澎金馬地區之合法與非法進入方式分別說明,並分別列舉實例予以探討相關問題。 第四章「智慧財產權邊境管制措施之相關問題」:先說明智慧財產權之邊境管制措施之國際保護規定,包括WTO之TRIPs協定與我國因應美國特別三○一條款之相關規定,並對TRIPs協定之相關規定,作一概略說明。另說明、探討、整理我國現行有關智慧財產權邊境管制措施之諸多統籌指導方案、法規、作業及程序規定,主要係分就商標權、著作權為之,著作權再分成一般著作權與特殊著作權,因光碟雖屬特殊著作權,但因相關措施規定較多,故又獨立成一款說明。最後,略以商標權之查扣辦法與相關國際規範,包括巴黎公約、TRIPs協定、北美自由貿易協定予以比較法之文字簡要與表列說明。 第五章「從行政法觀點論海關執行查緝不法經濟活動之救濟問題」:則探討海關因執行查緝不法經濟活動而衍生之諸多問題,分就程序法與實體法兩部分說明,包括復查制度、代徵稅費之申訴、罰鍰之得否為繼承之標的及執行問題及受處分人死亡後其繼承人可否就被繼承人之行政處分提起行政爭訟、行政罰與刑事罰得否併罰、一事不二罰、貨物沒入、輕微案件免罰之適用範圍以及對海關實務上之「暫時禁止通關放行」之適法性等問題,且儘量佐以實例加以探討。 第六章「結論與建議」:則就本文所提論述與問題提出研究之結論,並就心得作成建議。


“Finance is the mother of General Affairs.” old quotation says. In order to ensure sufficient national incomes, not only do we care for the progressive economic growth, but also pay attention on enforcement against illegal economic activities, which is a main issue to eliminate tax evasion. Two major assignments of Customs are duties collection and suppressing smuggling. Despite the difficulties on executing varied “sea laws”, we discover some disputes such as legal competition/corporation of relevant laws, double punishment: administration fine and court sentence on smuggling behavior, compulsory executions (provisional seizure and disposition) may invade property right, reexamining and administrative appealing procedure etc. Since our jurisdiction on sea around the island is quite vast, subject to the facilities, equipments and manpower Customs suffers from heavy burden on executing border regulations around the water. Therefore, to build the cooperative mechanisms with relevant authorized departments will become the main policy. As a result of political competition, cargos made in China have been forbidden. The recognition of origin becomes the major conflicts between international business traders and authorized. The accentuating values of intangible assets (esp. intellectual property rights) make the whole world pay great attention on them. To comply with international and global trend, executing TRIP agreements will be a challenge to Customs. This thesis contents: Chapter I “Introduction” It describes the motivations, appraised goals, range, methods and limits of this research. ChapterⅡ “Brief description about Customs’ business and laws” It profiles Customs’ history, organization, business, duties also discusses the definition of smuggling and illegal transportation. To improve efficiency of suppressing smuggling on sea, I study how judicatory police power could help Customs’ executing smugglings also reveal administrative dilemmas enforcing import restrictions on the trade between P.R.O.C and R.O.C. ChapterⅢ “Varied types of smuggling on sea and practical disputes” I confine my study in the seizures of smugglings on water areas and make an effort to solve the double jeopardy problem. According to the statistics, seizure cases of importing cargos made in China have reached the highest quantity and quality. So the directions of “identification of the origin” shall be discussed. ChapterⅣ “Relevant issues on protecting intellectual property rights” First I collect all the rules, directions, regulations, laws of the protection on intellectual property rights. Then I made a comparison of WTO’s and current regulations. ChapterⅤ “Discussion of reexamination, administrative appealing procedures base on administration laws” It expresses legal problems, such as administrative appealing procedures of delegated collection of tax or fee, inherit of fines and the right of appealing, detention on imported cargos, punishment exemption on slight tax evasion, depriving the right to import or export at any port. ChapterⅥ “Conclusions and recommendations”


1、Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPs英文版)。


