  • 學位論文


Application of messenger system for distribution system fault-section detection

指導教授 : 楊宏澤


摘要 當配電系統發生停電時,正確且適時的資料對調度員來說是非常重要的,因為有了這些資料,調度員才得以知道故障的確切位置並做適當的人員調度。目前台電在幾個區處已完成或正在規劃新的自動化系統,其中以饋線故障偵測、隔離及復電為主要實施功能,但經驗顯示配電事故發生於未裝設監控設備之分歧線及高壓線路之頻率頗高,若有一套快速的系統以即時方式提供停電故障的訊息,則可加強對用戶的服務,亦可減少因停電而造成之電費收入損失。此套系統在停電事故發生後自動撥電話至控制中心以傳達此訊息,整個通訊系統是利用租用之公共電話線或GSM通訊網路。控制中心收到停電訊息後,加以整理並呈現相關圖資以供調度人員參考。本報告整合一套擁有偵測停電、通訊及資料庫建置能力的系統以達到上述的目的。本研究結果顯示此系統提供電力公司有用且具有彈性的工具,以有效監視配電系統運轉。


故障偵測 分岐線 復電


Abstract When an outage occurs in the distribution system, the need for accurate and timely information is essential. Dispatchers need to know precise outage locations in order to accurately direct work crews. Information should be accumulated on a real-time basis so that it comes from as far down in the distribution system as possible. In Taipower, many distribution projects have been completed or are under planning. The automation functions included are automatic feeder fault detection, identification isolation and service restoration. However, operation experience has indicated that most of the outages occur in the feeder branch or high voltage distribution lines that are not monitored. A system approach resolves the problems that occur in the laterals and high voltage line would increase customer satisfaction and keep the revenue stream moving. In the system, the sensor detects power loss in a location and notifies the utility by placing an alarm call to the control center. All alarm information is delivered automatically via the telephone network and GSM network . The control center master then organizes all this incoming data into useful information and displays outage location on-screen as they occur. In this report a fully automatch detection, communications and establishment of database system are integrated to accomplish this goal. This research shows that the system provides utilities with a powerful and flexible means of monitoring power at all operations of distribution circuits.


Service Restoration Fault detection Branch


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