  • 學位論文


Relationship among Motives of Entry and Perceived Trading Liberalization and Facilitation-Comparison of Eight Frontier Markets for Taiwanese Trading Companies

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


過去十年來驅動全球成長的中國大陸、印度等新興國家,近年因薪資逐漸上漲、勞動力日漸高齡化,成長之路屢遇波折,使金磚光環漸漸褪色,外加上,全球政經情勢動盪不安,猶如「失之東隅,收之桑榆」在全球景氣一片低迷下,過去以重要市場及新興市場為主要經濟成長之動能,正面臨被取而代之深藏高速成長潛力、希望無窮的邊境市場。然而,在競爭全球化的微利時代,台灣貿易商生存空間將再度被壓縮,造成經營上日趨困難。因此本研究主要探討台灣貿易商進入市場動機類型與貿易自由及便捷之間的關係,以及從邊境市場八國,探討祈與進入市場動機類型、知覺貿易自由與知覺貿易便捷之差異。 有鑑於此,本研究主要以拓銷邊境市場八國為研究對象,包括:奈及利亞、阿根廷、緬甸、阿曼、科威特、斯洛伐克、約旦及巴林,並將其分為人口紅利、投資紅利及資源紅利等三種紅利條件類型,並針對有前往上述邊境市場八國進行貿易布局之台北市進出口同業公會會員企業進行問卷施測。根據相關研究與文獻探討後,選出相關變數加以研究,包含:(1)貿易自由度分為「數量限制」、「價格限制」、「法規限制」及「政府限制」;(2)貿易便捷度則分為「市場便捷」、「邊境便捷」、「基建便捷」及「流程便捷」,作為本研究衡量之依據。最後藉由量化的統計分析方式,透過對已在邊境市場八國布局之台灣貿易商所做的問卷調查,回收有效問卷共250份,進行相關統計分析,經過整理歸納研究結果後得以下列結論: 1.進入市場動機類型與知覺貿易自由度及知覺貿易便捷度皆有顯著影響,其中在「數量限制」、「價格限制」、「法規限制」、「政府限制」、「市場便捷」、「邊境便捷」、「基建便捷」及「流程便捷」皆影響台灣貿易商在進入市場布局考量因素。 2.企業員工數對台灣貿易商進入邊境市場八國動機類型與知覺貿易便捷度具有顯著影響,其中以「企業員工數小」及「企業員工數大」會偏向於「資源掌握型」;「企業員工數中」偏向於「成本導向型」。 3.邊境市場八國對進入市場動機類型沒有顯著差異,但其中台灣貿易商仍以「接近市場型」為主,並且看好邊境市場八國之「人口紅利」條件。 4.邊境市場八國、台灣貿易商進入市場動機類型、知覺貿易自由度與知覺貿易便捷度未有顯著影響,雖以各國「人口紅利」、「資源紅利」及「投資紅利」作為國家紅利條件為分類,但因各國投資環境背景相似,因此未得到顯著之差異性。


Over the past decade, because of the high wages and the aging of population, the economics of emerging countries get worse, like China, India, etc. Besides, the global of political and economic are turbulence and disturbed. “What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts”, although the global economics are grow down, it changes the global market from emerging markets to frontier markets. However, the low-profit aging of global competition, the Taiwanese trading companies face difficulties. Therefore, the study investigates the relationship of the Perceived Trading Facilitation and motivations of the Taiwanese trading companies in Frontier Markets and Eight Frontier Markets. In views of this, the study choose the eight Frontier Markets, like Nigeria, Argentina, Myanmar, Oman, Kuwait, Slovakia, Jordan, and Bahrain; the countries divide into Demographic dividend, Investment dividend, and Resource dividend. Furthermore, the study used the questionnaires to survey the members who have been to Eight Frontier Markets of Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei. According to the literature review and related research, the study chooses some related variables are: (1) Trading Liberalization is divided into “Quantitative Restrictions”, “Price Restrictions”, “Regulatory Restrictions”, and “Government Restrictions”. (2) Trading Facilitation is separate into “Market convenient”, “Border Convenient”, “Infrastructure Convenient”, and “Process Convenient”. The effective samples are 250, and they are analyzed by the statistic software. After generalizing the results, it can find that: 1.The motivation, Perceived- Environmental Uncertainty, and Perceived Trading Facilitation are related. When the Taiwanese trading companies layout the markets, there are some factors which could affect are “Quantitative Restrictions”, “Price Restrictions”, “Regulatory Restrictions”, “Government Restrictions”, “Market convenient”, “Border Convenient”, “Infrastructure Convenient”, and “Process Convenient”. 2.The population of the company, the motivation of Taiwanese trading companies, and Perceived Trading Facilitation are related. 3.The Eight Frontier Markets is not related to the motivations Taiwanese trading companies. However, Taiwanese trading companies are close to the market-oriented. 4.The Eight Frontier Markets, the motivations Taiwanese trading companies, Perceived Trading Liberalization, and Perceived Trading Facilitation are related.


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2.Buchko, A(1994), Conceptualization and Measurement of environmental Uncertainty: An assessment of the Miles and Snow Perceived Environmental Uncertainty Scale, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.37, pp.410-425.
