  • 學位論文


A Study of the Co-opetition Relations and Business Strategies of Taiwan Funeral Industry

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


台灣的殯葬產業歷經近年來的變革轉型後,進入白熱化的競爭階段。與其他產業相比較,殯葬業也有多樣化的產業鏈,各個企業間的關係亦極其複雜,另一方面,殯葬業在最終顧客的界定上有其獨特的性質,使得業者間的競爭與合作關係更加詭譎多變。 本研究以競合策略理論中Brandenburger & Nalebuff的價值網分析(Value Net Analysis)為基礎,並在傳統二位體分析(二個不同業者間)的架構上,引入多位體分析(同時考慮三個、四個及五個不同業者間)的觀念,進而從多位體關係中的垂直與水平關係中,探討其間的競爭與合作的策略行為。 在研究方法上,本研究以個案研究法配合深度訪談法,從個案公司的立場上,界定殯葬業中各種企業(或次產業)是屬於供應商、競爭者、互補者或顧客(禮儀業者),以獲取各種競爭與合作關係的資料,除了分析產業的結構面外,本研究亦對企業間的競合關係進行動態面探討。 在研究發現上,除了釐清傳統二位體分析的「垂直水平/競爭合作」關係外,台灣殯葬業的三位體分析更出現一些特殊的現象,當個案公司與顧客(禮儀業者)間從二位體分析中強調彼此的合作關係,一旦放入三位體分析(加入競爭者),個案公司與顧客間的關係反而呈現出較多的競爭內涵,若再放到四位體分析(加入供應商),彼此關係的本質又再次變化。簡言之,在不同多位體的分析架構中,彼此的競合關係會出現反轉現象。由於「最終顧客」的不可掌握特性,殯葬產業中直接面對最終顧客的禮儀業者,呈現營業額小、進入及退出障礙低、零細化(龐大數目的小規模業者),但卻享有較高額利潤的現象,即使上游業者有更多的設備投資、更完整的產業與管理技術,仍受到這種產業市場關係的涉擾,展現出複雜且動態的變化。本研究亦進一步在多位體分析中,比較出「強/弱」與「長期/短期」的競合關係,一方面顯示多位體分析中的「強競爭與弱合作」(或「強合作與弱競爭」)結構關係,另一方面也表達出長期與短期不同的競合動態關係,呈現出現階段具有合作本質的互補者,也有可能成為未來最大的潛在競爭者。 最後,本研究根據相關的發現及結果,提出未來研究及管理實務上的建議,並從殯葬產業的「掌握最終顧客(人)/強化設備投資(物)」二個重要構面上,歸納出現有台灣殯葬業者的營運模式,以及即將面臨的競爭形勢與可行的合作模式,提供業者在未來擬定生存與發展策略時的參考。


Taiwan's funeral industry has been in the ferocious competition stage after the recent change and transformation. Compared with other industries, the funeral industry has a variety of industrial chain, and the relationships between/among the various enterprises are also extremely complex. On the other hand, the funeral industry has its unique characteristics in defining the end customers so that it makes the competitive as well as cooperative relations between/among companies more unpredictable in nature. This study is based on Brandenburger and Nalebuff's Value Net Analysis of the co-opetition theory, and adopts multiple players analysis in addition (taking three, four and five different and related industrial players into account simultaneously) on the traditional structural dyad analysis (between two different players). The purpose of this study is to analyze the competition and cooperation strategic behaviors from the vertical and horizontal relationships in the industrial context of multiple players. This research utilizes case study method with in-depth interviews to gather a variety of competitive and cooperative relations information after defining suppliers, competitors, complementary players and customers (etiquette industry) in the funeral industry from case company’s viewpoint. Besides the analysis of the structural dimension of the industry, this study also explores the dynamic co-opetition relationship between/among enterprises deeply. The results of this study not only clarify the "vertical/horizontal and competition/cooperation" relations in the traditional dyad analysis, but also find out some special phenomena in Taiwan's funeral industry through triadic analysis. In the dyadic analysis, the case company and its customers (i.e. etiquette industry) emphasize mutual relations of cooperation. However the relationship between case company and customer shows more competitive connotations in a reverse way when using triadic analysis (adding competitors), and the nature of relationships among multiple players will change again in a tetradic analysis. In short, in different analytical structures of multiple players, the co-opetition relationship shows reverse phenomenon. As the end consumers can’t be forecasted and grasped, the etiquette sub-industry (the customer) in the funeral industry which directly faces the end consumers is characterized by “low sales, low entry and exit barriers, and small-sized businesses” but has higher profits in transactions, even though the upstream companies have higher investments in equipment, and more complete industrial technology and management knowledge. Therefore, this industry is still interfered with the complicated relations and dynamic changes of the market. This study also compares the "strong/weak" and "long/short" co-opetition relationships in further multiple-players analysis. The research findings reveals not only the industrial structural relations of "strong competition and weak cooperation" (or "strong cooperation and weak competition") in the analysis, but also different dynamic co-opetition relationships in the long-term as well as short-term perspectives. In this sense, the present “cooperative complementary players” may turn out to be “the most potential competitors” in the long-term. Finally, this study proposes some suggestions for future research and management practice according to relevant findings and results. This paper also introduces a framework for analyzing the business models, including imminent competitive situation and the viable pattern of cooperation of Taiwan’s funeral industry from two important dimensions- "to serve the customers and/or consumers (people)” and “to enhance equipment investment (objects)", and provide several references for enterprises as they planning the future survival and development strategies.


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