  • 學位論文

日本地方產業品牌識別標誌之研究 —以食品產業為例

The Research into the Brand Identity of Japan’s Local Industries—A Case Study of Food Industry

指導教授 : 林昆範


品牌識別是建立品牌資產的工具之一,不但能夠強化品牌的知名度,並可協助消費者進行品牌的聯想,其中以串連品牌核心價值與使用者接點(touch point)的「品牌標誌」最為重要。每一塊土地都有屬於自身的原鄉文化,若能透過品牌的創新與營造使地方特色或特產具備競爭力,將可創造或發展出適切的特色產業與品牌,進而為地方形塑良好的形象,而最終利益勢必回饋於原鄉居民並促進地方繁榮,其周邊效益甚至可延展至維繫地方的風土資源與在地人的情感。日本從1955年開始在全國各地以活化地域為目的展開造町運動,積極帶動地方人民重新經營既有的資源與文化。近年由中小企業廳持續推動「日本品牌育成支援事業」(JAPAN BRAND),協助地方中小企業轉型為全球化品牌。台灣雖也經由相關單位推動地方產業的國際化,其成熟度相較於日本仍顯不足,日本在積極拓展地方振興、發展品牌的同時,亦能運用行銷與設計的力量提升整體的品牌形象。在日本落實地方特產與台灣的一鄉鎮一特產之中,皆以「食品產業」為首,因此理解日本地方食品產業的品牌規劃,將有助於我國相關產業品牌的營造。本研究之目的為:(1)探討日本地方產業品牌育成的發展脈絡;(2)分析日本地方產業品牌識別標誌的造形、色彩與文字之應用;(3)探究日本地方產業品牌標誌的構成要素與造形表現類型。本研究透過文獻建構日本地方產業的發展脈絡,並將品牌標誌的研究樣本加以彙整並使用內容分析法對產業類型與品牌標誌之造形、色彩及文字進行分析,再進行交叉比對以探究品牌標誌之應用特徵,最後以集群分析法歸納造形表現的類型。 本研究發現在12類日本地方食品產業的品牌樣本之中,以糕餅類、農產品加工類、酒類與地方特色商店較多,並依據研究結果將其歸納為「傳統飲食藝術文化」、「地方文化資源再開發」,以及「全民生活文化」等三個面向。產業品牌標誌的整體造形表現以傳達文化性與民族性的日文文字型為主,其次為應用留白與暗喻的幾何型與抽象型、傳達地方物產或風光的具象型,以及英文字母型;其中以日文文字型、英文字母型與具象型的使用比例較高。標誌造形的表現類型經由集群分析、歸納與重新命名後彙整為:日文文字型、英文幾何型、植物型、人造物型、具象動物型、數字抽象型、自然景象型。而其共同特徵則為:偏好使用圖文綜合之綜合表現型,並且大量使用日本文字進行造形設計;色彩偏好選用象徵高級感與土地豐饒之黑色為最多,其次為傳達大和民族精神的赤色;文字運用則多以漢字書寫字形為主,以西方非襯線字形為輔;在顏色與字形種類的選用方面均傾向於單純與單一的表現。


Brand identity is one of the tools to build brand assets. It not only enhances the brand’s publicity, but helps consumers to associate it with brand. In brand identity, “brand logo” is the most important as it connects the brand’s core value with user’s touch point. As every land has its own original culture, the competitiveness brought to local specialties by brand innovation will create or develop an ideal local industry and brand. It has an extra advantage of forming a good image of the locality, and its final benefit will definitely be reciprocated to the locals to create prosperity. This beneficial result can even be expanded to regional resources and affections of the locals. The Japanese have launched their community construction movement throughout their country since 1955, and reviewed their existing resources and cultures. In recent years, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency has continued to carry out “The JAPAN BRAND Development Assistance Program” with an aim to assist small and medium enterprises in transforming into global brands. While the Japanese are developing a brand, they also make efforts to improve the brand image by means of marketing and design. In contrast, Taiwan is still inferior to Japan in internationalization of local industries. In both Japan’s promotion of local specialties and Taiwan’s “one township, one specialty”, “food industry” plays the most important role. Therefore, understanding of brand planning of Japan’s local food industry will be beneficial for the brand identity of relevant industries in Taiwan. The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the brand development of Japan’s local industries; (2) to analyze the applications of logo shapes, colors, and words for brand identity in Japan’s local industries; (3) to investigate into the elements and shapes of brand logos in Japan’s local industries. This study traces the development history of Japan’s local industries through technical literature, gathers together the research samples of logos, analyzes industry types and logo shapes, colors, and words by Content Analysis, then cross-examines the characteristics of logo application, and finally summarizes the types of shaping using Cluster Analysis. We found that among the brand samples of twelve types of local food industry in Japan, the categories of pastry, processing of farm products, alcohol, and local specialty shop are in the majority, and they are classified into “artistic culture of traditional diet”, “redevelopment of local cultural resources”, and “living culture of the public” according to the study result. The form of brand logos is based mainly on Japanese characters that communicate cultural and national properties, followed by geometry and abstract that apply “blank” and “metaphor”, real images that display local products or scenery, and English letters; among them, categories of Japanese character, English letter, and real image have relatively higher frequency of use. Brand logos have the following categories after Cluster Analysis, summarization, and being renamed: Japanese character, English geometry, plant, artificial object, concrete animal, abstract digit, and natural scene. They share common characteristics in the preference for mixed use of pictures and words, and frequent use of Japanese characters for shape design; in the preference for colors, black is most selected as it symbolizes high quality and fertility of land, followed by color red that represents Yamato people, another appellation for the Japanese; application of words is based on Kanji, a kind of Chinese-based characters, and assisted by sans-serif font; as for the selection of color and font, they both incline to simple and single presentation.


local specialty brand logo food industry




