  • 學位論文


Studies on the Antimicrobial Activities of Plasma Modified Cotton Coated with Chinese Herb Extracts

指導教授 : 蔡政賢 王雅玢


中草藥為天然植物之藥材,有抗菌效果之中藥材主要有防風、魚腥草、薄荷等。 因為以酒精為溶煤,薄荷之萃取率較高,因此本研究以薄荷為抗菌藥材,將高壓反應器萃取之萃取物塗佈於棉布進行抗菌與過濾試驗。 本研究以高週波低溫氧氣電漿對棉布進行表面改質,可明顯提升薄荷萃取物塗佈率,在0.05 torr、30 W功率下,改質60 sec,塗佈率可達17.8%,高於改質20 sec之塗佈率 (6.8%)。 薄荷萃取物塗佈的棉布,進行抗菌試驗,結果顯示對於大腸桿菌、枯草桿菌孢子和金黃色葡萄球菌均有明顯的抑菌效果。 以塗佈薄荷之改質棉布進行滴菌24 hr後洗菌測試抑菌率,在超音波震盪脫附一次後之塗佈率為5.6%時,大腸桿菌之抑菌率可達99.7%;萃取物對金黃色葡萄球菌的抑菌率較低,在塗佈率2.4%時,抑菌效率僅71.1%,但塗佈率提高至6.0%時,抑菌率仍可達96.4%。 以腔體模擬過濾系統之結果顯示:對於大腸桿菌生物氣膠,未改質棉布過濾效率為47.4%,略低於改質後棉布 (30 W, 20 sec, 薄荷塗佈率2.7%) 之56.7%;其次,但未改質棉布在過濾30 min結束且靜置30 min後與靜置0 min比較,抑菌效率為92%,而改質棉布已達100%。 至於枯草桿菌孢子生物氣膠,未改質棉布之過濾效率為34.5%,略低於改質後棉布 (30 W, 20 sec, 薄荷塗佈率2.4%) 的43.5%;但未改質棉布在過濾30 min結束且靜置30 min後與靜置0 min比較,抑菌效率僅82%,而改質棉布已達100%。 本研究成果顯示:以高週波電漿改質棉布,可以提高中藥塗佈率,且對大腸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌,及枯草桿菌孢子具有明顯之抑菌效率,可能具有應用於傷口抗菌敷料之潛力。


The antibacterial compounds extracted from Chinese herbs, such as Saposhnikovia Divaricate, Houttuynia cordata, and Mentha arvensis L evealed no side effects, no environmental hazard on human beings. More and more research are processed recently to study the antibiotic effect of Chinese herbs extracts. In this study, cotton was modified by an oxygen-based RF plasma and was coated by Mentha arvensis L extract to evaluate the inhibition efficiency of bioaerosols. The coating rate will be elevated as increasing applied power and extended modification time. When cotton was modified at the conditions: 5 sccm of O2, 0.05 torr of pressure, 30 W of power, and 60 seconds of modification, the coating rate of Mentha arvensis L extract increased from 6.8% (20 seconds) to 17.8%. Higher coating rate will lead to higher antibacterial effects. The coating rate is 5.6% and the inhibition efficiency of E. Coli reaches 99.7% after one time desorption by ultrasonic shaking. The coating rate is 2.4% and the inhibition efficiency of Staphylococcus aureus is 71.1% after one time desorption by ultrasonic shaking. The inhibition efficiency of Staphylococcus aureus elevated to 96.4% while the coating rate increased to 6.0%. The results of the pilot test showed that the filtration efficiency of E coli for unmodified cotton was 47.4%, which is lower than 56.7% for modified cotton (30 W, 20 seconds, 2.7% coating rate). The persistent inhibition efficiency of E.coli on unmodified cotton for 30 min still duration after filtration was 92% comparing with 0 min. It was near 100% on modified cotton for the same condition. Additionally, the filtration efficiency of Bacillus subtilis spores for unmodified cotton was 34.5%, which is lower than 43.5% for modified cotton (30 W, 20 seconds, 2.4% coating rate). The persistent inhibition efficiency of Bacillus subtilis spores on unmodified cotton for 30 min still duration after filtration was 82% comparing with 0 min. It was near 100% on modified cotton for the same condition. This study proved that not only the coating rate of Mentha arvensis L extract was improved, but also the inhibition efficiency of bioaerosols was elevated by modifying cotton in an oxygen-based RF plasma environment. Furthermore, the test result of Mentha arvensis L extract coated cotton further implied its potential application on antibacterial dressing.


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