  • 學位論文


Regulation of positive and negative emotions in dysphoric college students


研究背景與目的 近年來憂鬱症的初發年齡有降低的趨勢,且相關研究大多關注於負向情緒,缺乏正向情緒維持的相關研究;且過去研究大多評估憂鬱個體在接收情緒刺激後的初始或單一時間點的反應,但情緒調節還包含隨著時間的經過,情感激發狀態的增強與削弱。Forgas (2000)提出的雙歷程情緒調節模式證實隨著時間經過,一般正常個體會增加對情緒不一致訊息的接納,以調節目前的情緒狀態。因此本研究欲探討情緒低落個體對於負向與正向情緒調節能力。 研究方法 樣本來源為中原大學的學生,利用BDI-II分數14分將受試者區分成情緒低落組與控制組,各組再隨機分派至中性、負向及正向等三種情緒誘發情境;先接受情緒誘發,再進行自我關連句子完成作業。最後由評分者判斷句子的負向、中性與正向,並比較三種句子在句子完成作業前半部份與後半部份的比率。 研究結果 結果發現中性情緒誘發後,情緒低落組的負向句子比率高於控制組,正向句子比率則較低;兩組前半部與後半部的句子比率均無明顯改變。負向情緒誘發後,兩組後半部的正向句子比率都有增加,負向句子無明顯改變。正向情緒誘發後,兩組前半部的的正向句子比率相近,但情緒低落組後半部的正向句子比率明顯較低,且負向句子比率明顯增加。 結論 情緒低落組與控制組都能藉由正向情緒介入,以調節負向情緒,但僅控制組的負向情緒有減少的趨勢。兩組都能被誘發出正向情緒,而情緒低落組衰退得較快,且會轉往負向情緒。顯示情緒低落的個體不僅是負向情緒的調節能力比一般正常人差,正向情緒的衰退也比較快。


Background:In recent years, the onset age of depression has shown a downward trend. Most related research over-emphasize negative mood and lack research in positive mood regulation. Moreover, researches in the past overly focus on the initial or single response of the dysphoric individual after mood induction. However, emotional regulation includes time and the strengthening or weakening of the emotional stimulation.The dual process mood-management model by Forgas(2000) proved that through time, a normal individual would increase the acceptance of mood incongruence information to regulate his/her emotional state at that moment in time. Therefore, this research hopes to explore the ability of how a dysphoric individual would regulate his/her negative and positive moods. Method:The sample is derived from the student of Chung Yuan Christian University, and separated into the dysphoric group and control group based on the BDI-II (score 14). Then each group is randomly assigned and introduced to neutral, negative, and positive moods, then engage in self-refrential sentence completion. Finally, the evaluators judged the sentence according to negative, neutral and positive messages and compare the ratio of the three types of sentences in the first and later half of the sentence completion. Results:Results show that after the neutral mood induction, the ratio of negative sentences of the dysphoric group is higher than the control group, where the ratio is lower with positive sentences. The sentence ratio of the first and later half of the two groups showed no significant changes. After negative mood induction, the ratio of positive sentences in the later half of both groups has increased, where negative sentences showed no significant changes. After positive mood induction, the ratio of positive sentences of both groups in the first half are fairly close, however the positive sentences of the dysphoric group in the later half are significantly lower with an apparent increase in ratio of negative sentences. Conclusion:Both the dysphoric and control group are able to regulate their negative emotion through the introduction of positive emotion. However, only the negative emotion of the control group exhibited a drop. Both groups can be positively induced, with the dysphoric group declining faster and becoming negative. The result demonstrated that the dysphoric individual does not only regulate their negative emotions worse than normal people, but also lose their positive emotion faster.


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