  • 學位論文


Adding Social Elements to Game-Based Learning – An Exploration

指導教授 : 鍾斌賢


多年來,教師與研究者們不斷尋找能夠提升學生學習動機與成效的方法,像是Cooperative learning、Problem based learning、Project based learning等等,其中遊戲式學習(Game based learning)就是一種能提高學生學習動機、讓學生感到身歷其境的方法;近年來隨著社群網站的竄紅,使用社群網站似乎成為了許多人生活中不可或缺的一部份,社群網站巨大的潛力也吸引了許多研究者投入,社群網路遊戲-特別是指建立在現有社群網站上的遊戲,在遊戲產業中掀起了一股革命。許多遊戲公司紛紛朝這個新興的市場前進,例如知名遊戲設計公司Electronic Arts在2009年收購社群網路遊戲設計公司PlayFish,進行社群網路遊戲的開發。本論文以Aki Järvinen學者提出的社群網路遊戲設計元素設計一款社群網路遊戲,研究大學生在社群網站與社群網站遊戲上的活動歷程,以及跳脫單機遊戲型態的設計是否能夠吸引學生進行學習,並進一步探討對學生學習動機與成效的影響。


In recent years, educators and researchers were looking for ways that can enhance students’ learning motivation and effectiveness - Cooperative learning、Problem-based learning、Project-based learning etc. Game-based learning was one way which can improve students’ learning motivation and immerse in learning activities. With the popularity of social network sites, using social network sites seems to become a daily work for many people. Many researchers also fasten their attention on the enormous potential of social network sites. “Social network games”, defined as games played and distributed on Social network sites, have become an revolution in digital game industry. Many game design companies invested capital in this emerging market, Electronic Arts – a pioneer of the computer games industry acquired a social network game developer - Playfish for $300 million in 2009.The move makes Electronic Arts get into the social network game market in a big way. This paper design a social network learning game with the social network game design elements proposed by Aki Järvinen, aim to explore students’ behavior in the social network learning game and whether it can attract students to learning activites. In addition, we also investigate the affect on students’ learning motivation and effectiveness.


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