  • 學位論文

應用顧客滿意度於品質成本模型 — 以印刷電路板產業之個案為例

Using Customer Satisfaction for Quality Cost Model – A Case Study of Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer

指導教授 : 邱裕方


品質的提升一向是企業保持競爭力的必備工具。而品質提升的同時,如何能維持或降低成本亦是企業本身應考量的重點,因此品質成本的概念逐漸在企業間根深蒂固。但由於資訊技術的發展快速,各類型生產系統不斷推陳出新,以致競爭企業間的品質水準差距似乎已微乎其微,所以企業若想繼續維持或提高自身的競爭力,對品質的要求不應侷限於產品本身而已。Deming(1993)認為「品質是由顧客來衡量,是要滿足顧客需求,讓顧客滿意的」,同時敏捷製造 (Agile Manufacturing) —一種除了能維持品質之外又能創造高顧客滿意度的新式生產系統被發展出來,因此顧客滿意度應是製造業在追求高品質產品的同時亦需注意之處。究竟製造業在兼顧品質要求下是否能讓成本與顧客滿意度之間達到平衡,正是本研究欲探討的重點。研究中將蒐集品質管理中關於品質成本與顧客滿意度部分的相關文獻,同時經由文獻中發展出一個模型,並鎖定某印刷電路板廠商進行品質成本相關數據資料的蒐集以及對廠商之顧客進行滿意度評估,最後將整理過之數據與此模型進行驗證,以提供企業管理者一個決策分析時的參考方針。


High quality is always a trick that enterprise maintains the competition. At the time of improving the quality, how to keep or reduce the cost is the point for companies. For this reason, the concept of quality costs is used for enterprise gradually. Because of the advancement of information technology quickly and improvement of kinds of production systems continuously, the difference of the quality of products is smaller and smaller between enterprises. If the enterprise wants to keep or improve the competition, the quality performance shoud not limited in the quality of products. Deming(1993) said “quality is measured by customers, and demand of customers is satisfied made customers feel satisfied.” In recent years, Agile manufacturing is a new production system that can keep the quality and create high customer satisfaction is developed. The importance of customer satisfaction shoud be attented by manufacturing industry. How to attain the balance between the cost and the customer satisfaction at the same quality performance in manufacturing industry is the object of the research. In this study, it will collect literature about quality costs and customer satisfaction to develop a model. And this study will collect the date about quality costs in a manufacturer of printed circuit board and collect data about customer satisfaction in the costomer of the manufacturer of printed circuit board. Finally, this study use the data collected to verify the model, and hope to provide a consultation for the decision makers of the enterprises.


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