  • 學位論文


The effect of illumination duty cycle and intensity on light curing composite resin

指導教授 : 蔡正倫


牙齒美學的流行提升了光固化樹脂的使用。鑒於高功率藍光發光 二極體元件的發明與進步,光固化系統也變為輕便且省電。因此使用 發光二極體為光源的光固化系統完全取代傳統的鹵素燈光固化系統。 本研究以不同亮度模式進行固化實驗,進而提高光固化系統的效 率。發光二極體的驅動電流隨著工作週期(duty cycle)的減少而增加, 以維持相同的照射功率。本研究使用維氏硬度法來測量固化樹脂的硬 度。結果顯示,當驅動電流最大且照射週期為最短時,硬度值最大。 而當照射亮度大時,發光二極體照射出的光會照射更深的區域且引發 更多的光起始分子進行聚合動作。對樹脂表面會是最強的。這表示, 脈衝式的照射系統可以達到與連續照射系統相同的硬度值,且節省更 多電力。


The popularity of aesthetic tooth-colored restoration has promoted the use of light curing resins. Also, due to the recent development of high power blue-light emitting diode (LED), a curing light system can be much more compact and energy-saving. Therefore, LED light-curing system has greatly replaced the traditional tungsten halogen light system. In order to further improve the efficiency of LED light curing system, different illuminating methods were tested in this study. The LED driving current was increased in respect to the decrease of duty-cycle to remain the same power consumption. The hardness of dental filling was measured by the Vickers’ hardness meter. The results show that the hardest polymerization happens when epoxy resin is illuminated by the shortest duty cycle with the largest current. The high illuminance allows more light to penetrate into deep region and trigger more photoinitiator. This means the pulse illuminating system can achieve the same hardness as a continuous illuminating system, but consumes less electric power.


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of cure and compressive strength of dental composites cured with
[2] Christina Kurachi, Aparecida M. Tuboy, Daniel V. Magalhaes,
composite polymerized with experimental LED-based devices.’
Dental Materials 17 309-315
