  • 學位論文


Applications of Energy Dissipation Devices in Building Structure Control

指導教授 : 王安培 劉明怡


本研究分別執行調諧質量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)、調諧液柱阻尼器(tuned liquid column damper, TLCD),以及改良式調諧液柱阻尼器(improved tuned liquid column damper, ITLCD)三者之減振效用評估。首先,建立結構系統,推導裝設阻尼器的樓房結構之運動方程式;接著,進行頻率域分析,利用遺傳演算法推估阻尼器的最佳化參數;最後,進行時間域分析,分別針對受地震力作用之樓房結構在未控制、被動控制,以及以模糊滑動模式控制為基礎的主動控制等三種條件下,計算其振動反應,並評估阻尼器之減振效用。此外,本研究比較此案例之三層樓結構物加裝TMD、TLCD與ITLCD三者在EL Centro地震力下的減振效用。結果顯示兼具TMD與TLCD消能機制的ITLCD具有最優異之減振效用,TMD次之,TLCD減振效用則較不顯著。


The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of tuned mass dampers (TMD), tuned liquid column dampers (TLCD) and improved tuned liquid column dampers (ITLCD) for vibration control of building structures under seismic loads. The structural system is developed by deriving the equations of motion for a building structure with a damper. Based on these governing equations, the optimal parameters of the damper are determined using the genetic algorithm in the frequency domain analysis. Under considerations of these optimal parameters, the time domain analysis is conducted to calculate the time histories of structural response for three types of systems: without control, passive control and active control, i.e., fuzzy sliding mode control. The results indicate that the effectiveness of the ITLCD is relatively higher than that of the TMD, whereas the effectiveness of the TLCD is comparatively insignificant.


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