  • 學位論文


Dying Wastewater Treatment by Immobilized High Efficiency Decolorzing Bacteria in Membrane Bio-reactor

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc4a9278)


本研究由長期利用染料馴養之厭氧生物污泥反應槽中分離出Bacillus cereus,將其固定於擔體內部進行脫色試驗,並在相同條件下與B. cereus進行脫色比較,並以吸附試驗與耐久度試驗,來評估模廠或實場運用,最後將固定化擔體與純菌運用於活性污泥膜過濾法中比較之間差異。研究結果顯示,固定化擔體在於環境影響因子高的狀態下能夠有效的提高固定時間內微生物對於染料的降解量與動力反應常數K1,在固定時間內固定化擔體可以有效提高去除染料總量約200 mg/L;在耐久度試驗與包覆性試驗中,可以得到固定化擔體染料降解活性可維持16次染料降解,在脫色過程中微生物由擔體內漏出並於擔體外部溶液繁衍;將固定化擔體運用於厭氧生物污泥膜濾法中,可以延長薄膜濾程約一倍時間與降低通量下降量,但固定化擔體於好氧生物污泥膜濾法中對於薄膜積垢減量無太大影響。


A Bacillus cereus bacteria having high RB5 dye color removal efficiency was isolated from an anaerobic-aerobic reactor and utilized in this study for treatment of RB5 containing wastewater. The immobilized bacteria were prepared by immobilizing bacteria on PVA-aglinate beads (size 4-5 mm) as base substrate. In this study, the efficiency of RB5 dye removal and membrane fouling using anaerobic MBR (AnMBR) were compared with equivalent suspended and immobilized bacteria bioreactor system. Additionally, batch experiment were performed to study the dye adsorption characteristics, effect of initial dye concentration, durability and reuse capacity of immobilized cells. Results showed that immobilized system was capable of treating higher concentration (200 mg/L) as compared o suspended system. Immobilized bacteria can be reused 16 times for the dye concentration of 400 mg/L in a day. In the decolorizing experiment, it was observed that the bacteria run out from immobilization and grew in the medium. Further study using an anaerobic MBR system showed that the immobilized bio-cells system was capable of performing efficiently and equivalent to suspended bio-cells system with an advantage of lower membrane fouling. The performance of COD removal was almost similar in both type of reactor systems where as the dye removal and ADMI removal was slightly different. It was observed that the membrane fouling was faster (nearly two times) in suspended bacteria system as compared to immobilized system.


AnMBR immobilization decolorization


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