  • 學位論文

一位國民中學英語教師運用差異化教學的 歷程與反思之研究

A Study of the Process and Reflection of a Junior High School English Teacher Implementing Differentiated Instruction

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在探究一位國民中學英語教師運用差異化教學的轉變、轉變的歷程、實施的困難以及運用差異化教學所面臨的挑戰與未來可能的作法。本研究採行動研究法,探討北部一位公立國民中學英語教師的差異化教學,研究參與者還包含二位觀課教師與一個七年級普通班30位學生,透過觀察、訪談、學生回饋、觀課教師回饋以及研究者教學的省思日誌蒐集資料,再將逐字稿進行編碼、分析、歸納並進行三角檢証,本研究主要發現如下: 一、 教師運用差異化教學之後,教學信念從強調團體表現到珍視個體價值,教學專業從保守到多元嘗試,學生學習態度從被動到積極參與以及教師教學態度從執著到自信。 二、 教師運用差異化教學之過程歷經三個階段,包含奠基期的茫然與不安、萌芽期的調整與適應、成長期的認同與省思。 三、 教師運用差異化教學面臨以下困難: (一) 相關教學資源不足,課程設計不易,增加備課負擔 (二) 面臨進度與考試壓力,授課時間緊迫 (三) 班級學生人數偏多,教師人力有限 (四) 教室空間與情境的不便性 四、 教師運用差異化教學之挑戰與因應策略包含:善用多元化評量以淡化分數的排名、培養學生帶著走的能力以打破明星學校的迷思、實踐適性教學以減低補救教學的必要性 本研究根據以上結論,對學校教師、學校行政與教育主管機關提出相關建議。


This study was aim of exploring the changes, changing perceptions, difficulties and potential solutions of a junior high school English teacher implementing differentiated instruction. This study adopted an action research to discuss the process implemented differentiation instruction by a junior high school English teacher in a northern public school. The participants included two observators and thirty 7th graders. The data were collected through observations, interviews, feedbacks both from observation teachers and students and also inclusive of teaching reflections from the researcher. The qualitative method was applied for coding, analysis and triangulation. The major findings were listed as follows: 1. After implementing differentiated instruction, the teaching belief was transformed from pursuing the group performance into treasuring the individual value. The teaching proficiency was from conservatism to multi-attempts, the students’ learning attitude was from passiveness to activeness and the teacher’s teaching attitude was from stubbornness to confidence. 2. The process of the teacher implementing differentiated instruction included three stages, the foundation period with insecurity, the germination period with adjustment and the growth period with agreement. 3. The difficulties for implementing differentiated instruction were the followings: (1) The insufficiency of teaching resources and thus the increase of the preparation burden. (2) The pressure from the scheduled teaching and thus the teaching time was compressed. (3) The number of the students are too many to get sufficient assistance from the teacher (4) The class space and environment were inadequate. 4. The strategies for the challenges of implementing differentiated instruction include making well use of the multi-assessment instead of laying great stress on the rank according to the grades, developing students with abilities to go rather than fascinating with the halos of the star schools and putting differentiated instruction into good practice to decrease the dependence on remedial instruction. In the end, suggestions based on the above findings are provided for the case teacher, other teachers, school administration, educational authorities and future studies.




