  • 學位論文

以有效教學策略促進課程銜接之個案研究-- 以七年級英語科為例

A case study of 7th grade English teacher: Utilizing effective teaching strategies



以有效教學策略促進課程銜接之個案研究—以七年級英語科為例 摘 要 本研究旨在探討國中七年級英語教師之英語教學困境,並分析探討個案教師在教材、教法及評量上在面對英語課程銜接時所採用的有效教學策略及因應教學困境之法。最後透過個案教師的研究,提出解決英語課程與教學銜接問題的方法,以供國中七年級英語教師參考。基於研究目的,為了深入探究七年級英語教師面對教學困境而採用之有效教學策略,本研究採質性研究法,以一位資深七年級英語教師為個案進行研究,並藉由訪談、觀察及文件資料的資料蒐集方式,經由對資料的分析與討論、探索反省與啟示,以提出結論與建議。 綜合言之,本研究根據研究目的獲致下述的結論: 壹、國中七年級英語教學之主要困境為: 一、國中小英語教學在制度面上缺乏有效課程銜接的機制 二、家長對學校教育現場的關心度不足 三、教科書內容的品質及銜接性不良 四、學生個別差異現象日益嚴重 五、教學評量引導教學的缺失 貳、國中七年級有效教學策略以促進英語課程銜接之策略為: 一、運用各種管道導正家長教育態度及提昇家長參與學生學習 二、教師發揮專業自主能力以補足或篩選教材以達到課程之銜接 三、教學歷程各個環節的有效實施及反省以消彌個別差異現象 四、以良好師生關係為橋樑促成預期教育理念及目標 基於上述的結論,本研究提出對對主管教育行政機關、學校機構及國中七年級英語教師提出如下建議: 一、對主管教育行政機關的建議 (一) 根據英語課程綱要嚴格審查多元版本之教科書 (二) 研擬並促成國小英語教育評鑑分級制度之實施 二、對國民中學學校的建議 (一) 學校應積極推廣課程銜接之理念 (二) 建立豐富多元及有效之診斷評量工具 三、對國中英語科教師的建議 (一) 積極參與國中小間教師專業對話並暢通教師間專業對話的溝通管道 (二) 提昇專業自主能力以圓融因應課程銜接問題 (三) 珍視並接納學生及家長的回饋以作為改進教學之依據


A case study of 7th grade English teacher: Utilizing effective teaching strategies to promote curriculum articulation Abstract The current study aims to investigate 7th grade English teacher’s teaching predicaments by a junior high school instructor of English, analyze and discuss the case study of the usage of teaching materials, teaching methods and evaluations by an English teacher, to find effective teaching strategies and resolve hindrances in teaching. This study employed qualitative research methods, and data were collected through interviews, classroom observations, and other related documents from the instructors, through discussion and analysis, discovered some phenomena and made some conclusions and recommendations. According to the results of data analysis and discussion, the conclusions are synthesized as follows: 1. The main teaching predicaments of 7th grade are: (1) Lack of the effective system of curriculum articulation for English teaching between elementary schools and junior high schools. (2) Parents don’t pay much attention on schooling. (3) Quality and articulation of textbooks are not sufficient for the level. (4) Phenomenon of students’ individual level differences is getting worse increasingly. (5) Shortcomings of instruction become dependent on evaluations. 2. Effective teaching strategies for accelerating English curriculum articulation are: (1) Utilizing different kinds of methods to correct parent’s educational attitude and promoting parents’ involvement in students’ learning. (2) Teachers do justice to their professional autonomies for complementing or sieving the teaching materials for the aim of curriculum articulation. (3) Implementing effectively each teaching process to correct the phenomenon of student’s individual level differences. (4) Using a better relationship between students and teachers as a bridge to achieve educational principals and targets. Based on the conclusions above, some suggestions are offered for educational administrative institutes, junior high schools, and 7th grade English teachers: 1. Suggestions for educational administrative institutes: (1) Examining multiple English textbooks strictly according to English curriculum framework. (2) Redacting and establishing to implementation of rating system for the elementary school education system. 2. Suggestions for junior high schools: (1) Popularizing the concept of curriculum articulation positively. (2) Establishing and developing various and effective evaluations. 3. Suggestions for 7th grade English teachers: (1) Carrying on teachers’ professional interlocution between elementary schools and junior high schools and making the communication amongst teachers accessible. (2) Promoting teachers’ professional autonomies for assailing problems of curriculum articulation. (3) Treasuring and receiving students’ and parent’s feedback and regarded it as the foundation for improving English teaching.


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