  • 學位論文


Study of Non-profit Organization Event Resource Collection & Raising – The case of X association

指導教授 : 胡為善


非營利組織往年舉辦活動,只能依靠組織的經費及會員的資源執行舉辦,活動成效不彰,本研究將以“如何整合政府及企業的資源,塑造組織精神、發揚社團使命,讓低預算的經費擴大辦理”,將活動規劃盛大舉行,將是活動公關業的一大藍海。 本研究是利用活動之辦理流程書寫,以先確定活動內容(如以弱勢、教育或者少數團體為例),結合政府資源,整合企業需求,爭取各方資源,並申請各類型中央機構之補助,為非營利組織之理念與教育加以推廣,終至影響政府政策。 計畫議題由研究者最熟悉的活動舉辦為出發點,專注於非營利組織(NPO/NGO)之舉辦活動資源讀整合議題。期許將透過本研究達到以下之目的: 1. 透過本研究,探討非營利組織(NPO/NGO)在舉辦活動時,所面臨資源缺乏的現況與困境。 2. 研究非營利組織(NPO/NGO)如何透過將政府及企業的資源整合,以達到協助舉辦活動效益的提升,俾彌補非營利組織資源不足的窘境。 3. 倡導非營利組織(NPO/NGO)、公部門與企業間之互動。經由各獻己能、各取所需以達成多贏的目的。    本研究係藉由質性研究基礎中的文獻探討、深度訪談及個案分析等研究方法,以分析各非營利組織、企業與公部門間的互動關係,並探討相互贊助的動機為何及其合作與互利模式。並進一步探究非營利組織如何運用策略聯盟的方式進行舉辦活動資源之整合,以達到非營利組織對舉辦活動資源整合的最大效益。最後一章將提出本研究的結論與建議。




In the past years, when a Non-profit Organization/Non-governmental Organization (NPO/NGO) was holding events, it could only rely on organizational funds and its members’ donations. And those events can hardly achieve their goals with insufficient resources. This study discussed how to integrate resources offered by government and private enterprises, maximize the use of resources and the scale of the event in a low-budget condition, and shape the spirit and further the mission of NPOs/NGOs. The result of this study would be a great “Blue Ocean” for PR activities planners. This study worked on proposals of processes of organizing events. First to identify the concept of the event (e.g. for the disadvantaged or minority groups; for educational purpose). Then to integrate the requirements of sponsors, to combine the event with governmental resources, to get resources from any possible places, and to apply for grants from all kinds of governmental organizations. Finally, the idea of NPO/NGO could be taught to the public and be popularized to the extent of affecting government policies. The research topic came from the researcher’s most familiar area i.e. the organization of events. It is focused on the topic of resource integration for events organized by NPOs/NGOs. The objectives of this study are: 1. To investigate the difficult situation – lack of resources – now faced by NPOs/NGOs while holding events. 2. To find a way for NPOs/NGOs to make up for their lack of resources by integrating resources from government and private enterprises. To increase the efficiency of using these resources for organizing events. 3. To encourage interactions between the NPO/NGO, governmental organizations and private enterprises. To create a win-win situation for all of them by identifying what they can contribute and what they need. This study adopted literature review, in-depth interview and case study based on qualitative research as research methods. The interactions between NPOs/NGOs, governmental organizations and corporations were analysed, and their motives of supporting each other and modes of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed. Further, this study investigated how NPOs/NGOs can integrate resources for organizing events using strategic alliances in order to achieve maximum efficiency (of integrating resources). The conclusion of this study and suggestions offered were in the last chapter.


Non-profit Organization


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