  • 學位論文

SOA雲端運算電子商務伺服器農場(E-commerce farm)建構之探討

An Exploratory Study of Construct E-commerce Server Farms on SOA and Cloud Computing

指導教授 : 黃天佑


隨著網際網路與資訊科技技術不停地進步,服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)與雲端運算(Cloud Computing)技術的發展成熟,對於現今的影響力愈來愈大,發展創新服務的系統架構是現在企業的趨勢,而其中電子商務是許多企業最普遍擁有的系統,企業要面對快速變化的的外在環境,就需要一套能隨需求改變的系統。本研究的目的在探討基於服務導向架構與雲端運算下的電子商務伺服器農場(E-commerce farm)系統,首先整理服務導向架構、雲端運算與電子商務的相關文獻,並利用JavaServer Faces、Hibernate等技術構建基於SOA與雲端運算的電子商務伺服器農場系統模型,最後以系統雛形來驗證是否到達SOA及雲端運算的特性,由此可提供企業一套兼容、可擴展的系統框架,使企業與使用者享受更好的服務。


As the nonstop progress of the Internet and information technology, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud Computing, which have developed gradually, do have a great influence on future nowadays.Therefore, developing system structure of new services has become a trend in enterprises. E-commerce, one of the system structure of new services, is adopted by lots of enterprises. To face rapid changes in external environment, enterprises do need the operating systems of E-commerce, which can change as demands increase. The purpose in this study is to discuss E-commerce farm under SOA and cloud computing. First,organizing the references about SOA and Cloud Computing and using Java Server Faces and Hibernate to construct E-commerce farm based on SOA and Cloud Computing. Then,verifying whether the system reaches SOA and Cloud Computing.By doing so,we can offer enterprises compatible as well as extended system framework,and both enterprises and users can enjoy better services.


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