  • 學位論文


The Image-Making of Characters of the Three Kingdoms:A Discussion on Literary Texts and Electronic Games

指導教授 : 林蘭芳


本研究主旨是討論三國人物形象,從文字文本轉移到電玩文本的過程中,其形象的塑造變化。主要研究目的為:第一,要了解三國人物形象在文本流傳時所產生的變化,特別是電玩遊戲對三國人物形象的設計。其次,電玩遊戲與動漫畫用什麼方式塑造三國人物形象,是否有特定原則?第三,玩家對於三國人物形象多元化可能有何種看法? 本文將三國文本分為文字文本與圖像文本,先說明文字文本的流傳與演變,接著討論圖像文本的詮釋方式與作品的內容特色。之後從各個陣營中挑選人物並比較人物事蹟與電玩遊戲所設計的人物能力,說明電玩遊戲如何塑造三國人物形象。由於男女人物形象特質不同,所以依男女性別分開敘述與討論。 研究結果發現人物形象的變化有其脈絡可循。男性人物因具有文字文本的基本形象,即使經過幾次改變,仍保有部分個人特色;女性人物在文字文本中擁有的基本形象較為薄弱,可參考的資料較少,反而使得女性人物在圖像文本中有更多變化的空間。三國人物形象在經歷變化之後,並非只呈現單一形象,也可能是多種形象並存;而玩家所認知的三國人物形象多寡,是依據玩家接觸的動漫畫與遊戲作品之數量而定。此外,多元化形象也造成人物形象符號化,玩家可能採用某個形象特色來稱呼三國人物。


This thesis aims to discuss the transformation of images of characters of the Three Kingdoms in the process of transitions from the literary texts to the electronic games. The main objectives of this study are as followed. First of all, how were these characters’ images transform when the texts were spread and changed in different time and countries? Secondly, how were these images designed and created by the electronic games, animations and comic books? Were there some patterns or principles? Thirdly, what viewpoints might players of the electronic games have on the diversification of images of characters of the Three Kingdoms? The thesis divides the texts of the Three Kingdoms into the literary texts and the graphic texts. After examining the spread and changes of literary texts, this thesis explains how the graphic texts and the electronic games depicted the Three Kingdoms period and characters at that time, and what features of these graphic works and electronic games were. Some certain characters would be selected out from different kingdoms to be discussed. The thesis attempts to do some comparisons between their real historical events and their virtual abilities designed in the electronic games in order to analyze how electronic games created images of these characters. Since there are some differences between men’s and women’s images and characteristics, these selected characters would be separately examined by genders. The result of this thesis indicates that there were some patterns of the transformation of images of characters of the Three Kingdoms. In the literary texts, most of male characters had vivid and unique characteristics and descriptions; therefore, no matter how male characters were changed in different texts, some of their original images in the literary texts could always be maintained. On the contrary, because images of female characters were not so fixed or stereotyped and described less in the literary texts, their images became more flexible and varied. Each character, male and female, owned not only one particular image but diverse ones because of the multiple changes from the literary texts to the graphic texts and the electronic games. For those who played electronic games about the Three Kingdoms, their knowledge of related comic books, animations, and electronic games would affect the amount of images of each character. Moreover, the diversification of images resulted in the symbolization of characters’ images. Thus, players might identify these characters of the Three Kingdoms with some certain symbols or names.




