  • 學位論文


Headquarters of K.M.T. in America and China’s Political Regime before anti-Japanese War.

指導教授 : 李盈慧


國民黨北伐成功後,名義上雖達成統一,實際上仍是各政治勢力割據爭鬥的混亂局面,黨內派系紛爭也從未停息。1931年,蔣中正與胡漢民因制定約法問題失和,從而引起寧粵分裂與其後南京與西南的對立。彼此除爭奪黨的領導權外,復因日本入侵,而有先安內,還是先攘外的對日策略之爭。各派鬥爭不僅在國內,也延燒到海外,但學界對此卻少有相關討論。美國向為戰前國民黨在海外活躍地區之一,各派在此鬥爭激烈,相關資料也最完整。因此本篇論文選擇以國民黨駐美黨部為探討對象,試圖站在國民黨駐美黨部的角度,探討此時期國民黨駐美黨部對於祖國政治態度的分歧與轉變,並探究其原因。 第一章先介紹1924年國民黨改組後國民黨駐美黨部內各派對祖國政治看法的差異與黨部的分裂,作為理解本文研究主題的背景。接著敘述國民黨駐美黨部面對寧粵分裂與日本入侵的黨國危機,反應為何?第二章則討論南京與西南對立時期,駐美黨部各派對祖國政治立場的分歧與轉變,並闡述其與國內政權及黨內派系的關係。第三章則探討兩廣事變後,駐美黨部對祖國政治態度由對立到合作的轉變。並就當地政經環境、華僑身分與宣傳等方面,比較美國與南洋地區的異同。希望透過此研究,能提供華僑史,國民黨黨史與中國現代史領域,一個新的研究視角。


Even though K.M.T. nominally unified the whole China into one nation after successful northern expedition, in fact, it was still a state of chaos since warlordism and the unceasing conflicts of Kuomintang cliques. 1931, Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Han-min estranged for laying down the law result in the split between Nanking Regime and Guangzhou Regime, and also later on the confrontation between Nanking Regime and Southwest Regime. The two political force were not only fighting for the leadership of K.M.T. but aslo the policy of maintaining internal security or repel foreign invasion toward Japan. Even if the cliquish conflict spread from domestic country to overseas, there was few related discussion in the academia of modern history. There were the most completely relevant documents in America because it used to be one of the overseas region that cliques in K.M.T. conflict vigorously. It was why Headquarters of K.M.T. in America was chosen to be the object in this thesis. We tried to study “what “and “why” the attitudinal divergence and transformation of Headquarters of K.M.T. in America toward homeland’s politics on its point of views. The first chapter will introduce the different opinion of various cliques in Headquarters of K.M.T. in America toward homeland’s politics after the reshuffle of K.M.T in 1924, to regard as comprehending the background of this subject. After that, we will describe the reaction of that Headquarters of K.M.T. in America faced the split between Nanking Regime and Guangzhou Regime, and accompanied the party-state’s crisis by Japanese invasion. The second chapter is about the divergence and transformation that various cliques in Headquarters of K.M.T. in America stand toward homeland’s politics during the period of confrontation between Nanking Regime and Southwest Regime, and the relationship between domestic regime and various cliques in K.M.T will be elaborated. Next, we will discuss the position that Headquarters of K.M.T stand toward homeland’s politics, which is from confrontation to collaboration in the third chapter, and also compared the difference with southeast Asia base on the aspect of political-economical environment, the identities of overseas Chinese, and propaganda. By means of this approach, we hope to provide a brand new field of vision in the studies of overseas Chinese history, K.M.T history and modern Chinese history.


(一)檔案 政府公報、年鑑、調查報告、檔案
不詳,《十九路總指揮部收入抗日慰勞金報告書》(不詳:不詳, 1932)。
