  • 學位論文


Research on the Impacts of NPO’s Enterprising Process on Volunteer’s Organizational Commitments

指導教授 : 蕭琮琦




The purpose of the following study was to examine the organizational commitment of the volunteers that affected by the non-profit organization’s (NPO) enterprising process. This research utilized a qualitative, semi-structured interview method with nine participants who were volunteering with an enterprising NPO. Findings of the study were as follows: 1. Challenges arise from the administrator’s lack of practical business experience which can lead to question the value of the organization. 2. The emphasis on profit in enterprising NPOs is overshadowing the original mission for public welfare. When this happens, the NPO title is used as a cover for a profit-making organization. 3. When volunteer work is given a price, the volunteer’s role is put into question, which can lead to confusion in regards to the value of the volunteer’s work. 4. Value commitment includes volunteers’ feelings of empathy, selfless contribution, inspiration, and emotional bonds. A successful NPO utilizes these values to guide its volunteers’ a positive commitment. 5. Effort commitment is utilized by the NPO to promote role modeling, responsibility, fairness, communication and emotional ties to inspire the volunteer’s participation and enthusiasm.  6. Retention commitment needs to be integrated into the organization’s culture to ensure that the most important volunteers’ needs are trusted and respected. 7. NPO leaders need to have the ability to guide volunteers into spiritual growth, which in turn strengthens the volunteer’s commitment to the organization. 8. The charitable principles of public welfare motivate the spiritual growth of volunteers. 9. Social Enterprise is the future trend of enterprising NPO’s which will give volunteers a variety of choices. In conclusion, this study provided recommendations based on analysis, hoping to provide guidance to the challenges of the enterprising NPO. In addition, this research also serves to promote new prospects for enterprising NPO leadership and the relationship it has with its volunteers. Further research is still desirable in hope that more social policies, such as the Social Enterprise Policy and the Voluntary Service Policy can be implemented to the highest standard.


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