  • 學位論文

食品安全衛生管理上之6s e化管理系統建構:以豐田生產系統與戴明循環為應用理論

6S Electronicalized System For Sanitation Management and Food Safety: Based on the Theory of TPS and Deming Cycle

指導教授 : 林欣美


TPS的靈感來自美國。早年豐田企業到世界汽車業領頭羊福特汽車取經,但豐田代表團發現福特的生產管理方式,並不是很有效率,反而是在訪問在訪問Piggly Wiggly超級市場時,看到Piggly Wiggly只會在顧客購買貨品之後,才重新進貨,代表團從而得到啟示導入豐田的生產實務。這是TPS豐田模式兩大核心精神—即時化與自働化逐漸成形的濫觴,當時並沒有很明確的一套理論來運作豐田生產系統。第二代豐田喜一郎於是將戴明循環的PDCA管理手法導入改革以補強TPS理論架構薄弱的不足。至此,許多TPS基於PDCA的論述便紛紛出現,例如:5S是執行TPS的基本方向,目的是削除過負荷、消除不平準、消滅浪費。而另一主張七大浪費也是從戴明博士提出的論述中引用而來。持續改善是TPS的基礎,而PDCA的大環帶小環則是持續改善的有效工具。TPS以戴明循環做為解決問題的工具後,整個生產系統的理論架構便完整了起來,而戴明循環也因TPS的應用而變得更有名氣,兩者可謂相輔相成,相得益彰。 因為豐田式生產系統的運作模式確實可以大幅提高企業生產效率,近來以TPS為論述的著作汗牛充棟,多如江鯽。但是企業導入TPS整頓體質時,卻容易發生因為作業人員的習性問題,稽核訊息不夠透明的問題,作業流於形式的問題,連結路徑不明確的問題,資料文件過多、存放不一致的種種問題,導致企業改革常常虎頭蛇尾因而失敗。經仔細探討其原因,發現在於企業執行TPS時缺乏一個落實TPS精神的辦法與機制。本研究試圖以此點切入,以豐田的即時化與自働化為核心概念,結合PDCA管理心法,達到6S(原5S加最新的Safety—安全)管理目的,提出以6S e化建立一個系統平台,希望以標準化的作業程序揭露透明的資訊,確切的稽核和公開的獎懲,導正作業人員虛與蛇委的心態,以期作業人員縮短文件往返時間,並且透過e化的訊息自主管理做為落實以TPS即時化、自働化核心精神的機制與辦法。 一般來說,TPS管理系統比較常應用在工業界,本研究嘗試建立平台應用在食品業界,結果發現6S e化不僅確實能縮短改善時間,大幅提高企業改革效率達到6S的管理績效,甚至同時補足了TPS七大浪費所沒有提到的新七大浪費的缺口。以TPS 與PDCA為運用理論的6S e化管理工具對食品業界的生產管理同樣有亮眼的表現。本研究以對象Y食品製造公司的生產管理點切入,期待未來能將6S e化在生產管理的成功經驗以PDCA管理心法拋磚引玉擴散延伸至研發系統、進而第二階段供應商管理系統、物流系統、第三階段客服系統、顧客關係管理系統甚至連結至第三公正單位(如SGS), 以期從內而外打造一個不僅從物流控制、人流控制、資訊流控制透明化,讓食用者安心、消費者放心、顧客對產品有信心且有意願再購買,甚且有意願介紹更多人購買的『三心二意』食品安全幸福環境。


TPS developed was inspired by America. Early Toyota went to America and wanted to learn more experiences from Ford Motor, but found Ford Motor production way couldn’t meet their requirement. It’s not very efficient. They get their requirement during visiting at the Piggly Wiggly supermarket. They found the supermarket restocked only after customer purchased. Toyota imported the inspired into their production practices. This is the original shape of the Jidoka & JIT of TPS. The second-genernation successor imported the PDCA of Deming Cycle as a management way to complement the lack of TPS theoretical framework,and many discourses based on PDCA related with TPS was presented from then on, such as, 5S is the executive direction of the TPS around eliminating the 3Ms- Muri (overburden), Mura (unevenness) and Muda (waste) in Lean Manufacturing; And another idea--7 wastes of Lean is also discussed in reference to the question from Dr Deming. Continuous improvement is the Foundation of TPS and PDCA Cycle is the most effective tool for contiouous improvement. TPS developed PDCA Cycle as a problem solving tool, the theory structure of the entire production system made up, and Deming cycle application of TPS becomes better known. They complement each other. Importing the TPS can improve production efficiency really, and a lot of work discussed related with TPS recently. But the importing of Lean fails usually due to the problems of staff behavior, audit message issued unclearly, a mere formally becoming, unclear link path, too many files, inconsistent storage and so on. After studying the fail causes, found that, the Leaning in of corporate unsuccesslly for lack of executive approach and mechanism. This research tries to present the clear approach and mechanism to complement the lack. The present is building an electronic platform based on the two core spirits-Jidoka & JIT, combined with PDCA, aimed to the 6S(5S+1S) management as a standard of process to show up the clear information, exact audit, public rewards and punishments,purposed to correcting the staff’s attitude, shorten the travel time of document, and managing staffselves through the electronic message. The application of TPS is mainly utilized in Industry. This research tries to build a platform leading to food manufacturing , and found 6S electronic not only shortens the executive time, greatly improves the efficiency achieve 6S performance, even presents a new 7 wastes to top up the gap which the TPS 7 wastes not mentioned. This research is majored in the producting system of case Y company, and expected to extand the experience valuable to the other systems such as R&D system, Provider system, Logistics system , Customers’ services system, further link to the impartial third unit( as SGS), and expected to create a transparent and happiness food safety environment which is trusted by customers from inside out through Logistics Control , People Control, Information Control, electronic way, and easy way(3C2E).


Toyota Production System TPS JIT Jidoka Deming Cycle PDCA 6S 7Wastes new 7Wastes 3C2E


