  • 學位論文


A Research of Brand Establishment of Pineapple Industry in Ba_Gua Mt.Tableland of Nantou city

指導教授 : 林吉郎


南投市「微熱山丘」所產銷的土鳳梨酥,從社區走向國際,是地方特色產業發展成功的經典案例。透過南投市八卦山台地「土鳳梨酥」產業的價值創造與對社區產業品牌的期待進行參與觀察與深度訪談,藉以了解社區產業建構的核心價值,並期能解決目前地方特色產業發展的困境與期望。社區產業產品的發展基礎,係立足於價值創造、品牌故事與行銷策略三端,亦即除了需具備特色,充分利用網路流傳特性外,亦須由具有行銷的專業人士來觀察與規劃引導。而政府在推動地方特色產業發展的同時,也應找尋企業廠商合作,以求廣大資金的注入,才能發揮極致效果。本研究旨在探討鳳梨產業品牌「微熱山丘」如何運用地區特色建立起品牌故事,如何運用靈活的行銷策略,再創產業生命,是否能夠創造社區特有產業再生提升在地農產附加價值。本研究重要發現如下: 一、唯有不斷的創新與嘗試,並運用感人的品牌故事,採取積極進取的行銷策略,也可以讓日落西山之產業起死回生,再創產業春天。 二、社區產業應與在地文化充份結合,才能創造傳統文化價值的認同,附予產業品牌生命,提升產業附加價值性。 三、社區農特產業發展應與生態、休閒、觀光旅遊結合相互為用;以特色產業吸引觀光人潮,利用觀光人潮推動在地產業發展。 四、政府應積極輔導推動產業發展,並促進相關產業聚集,才能發揮既競爭又合作之群聚效果。 五、政府在推動社區產業發展政策時,除了需注重生產面以外亦應重視消費面的課題,才能有效提升產業發展。


Going from the local to the international community, Nantou City’s pineapple cake maker, SunnyHills, is a classic example of successful development of the local specialty industry. By conducting participant observation and in-depth interviewing on the value creation of the “pineapple cake” industry of Mt. Bagua Terrace, Nantou City and the expectation for community industry brands, the core values of the establishment of community industries were to be understood, and it was hoped that expectations and current predicaments encountered by local specialty industries in their development could be resolved. The foundation for the development of a community industry product lies in value creation, brand story, and marketing strategy. That is, besides possessing a special feature and fully utilizing the spread of information over the Internet, marketing professionals are also required for observations and planning/guidance. Moreover, to be able to achieve the ultimate effect, the government should also look for the injection of vast funds, by seeking cooperation with corporations and businesses, when promoting local specialty industries. The study intended to investigate how “SunnyHills”, the pineapple industry brand, had utilized regional features to establish its brand story, how it had applied flexible marketing strategies to revitalize the industry, and whether or not the enhancement of values added of local agricultural products could be brought about by the revival of the industry unique to the community. The important findings of the study were as follows: 1. A fading industry could be brought back to life with continual innovations and attempts, the use of touching brand stories, and the adoption of aggressive marketing strategies, reviving the industry. 2. Community industry should integrate sufficiently with the local culture to be able to bring about identification with traditional cultural values, giving life to industry brands and enhancing the values added of the industry. 3. The development of the community agricultural specialty industry should incorporate ecology, leisure, and tourism and travel, attracting tourist crowds with the specialty industry and promoting the development of local industries with such tourist crowds. 4. To be able to exert a competitive and yet cooperative clustering effect, the government should be active in guiding and promoting the development of industries and should facilitate the coming together of related industries. 5. To be able to effectively enhance the development of industries, besides paying attention to the production aspect, the government should also attach importance to issues of the consumption aspect when promoting policies for community industry development.


brand SunnyHills pineapple cake community industry




