  • 學位論文


A study on the self-integration process of elderly living alone : Utilization of material arts in group counseling

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究主旨在暸解主要藉由藝術為媒材介入的團體諮商的形式,對新加坡獨居老人自我統整的探討。透過質性研究方法了解獨居老人對自我統整過程中的體驗與感受。本研究透過5個主題6次團體觀察記錄,及團體結束後的訪談來收集資料,共訪談三位72歲以上的獨居老人。訪談後針對所得資料進行分析,主要研究結果發現如下: 一、團體的作用 獨居老人在參與團體的經驗裡,從不安到開放中得到情緒宣洩、表達自我的機會與平台。從團體中建立情感的支持,也拓展人際的網絡。在傾聽不同團員生命歷程的分享與觀念的溝通中,豐厚了獨居老人的生命經驗。  二、藝術媒材的效能 透過不同的藝術媒材,以焦點的主題與意念讓老人們創造出自己內在的經驗,讓包含隱喻作用的作品作為溝通的橋樑。因為透過媒材的運用,獨居老人將降低防衛,投射情緒與隱含不明的訊息作為研究者收集的資訊。從無到有的創作過程,也會帶給老人自我肯定的成就感。 三、學習帶來改變 學習新事物的體驗讓老人知道「活到老,學到老」的樂趣,並且在團體中學習開放自我,及面對接納差異的態度。同時,練習以不批評、不抱怨的態度,習得正向思考的溝通。 研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,並依據此結果提供若干建議以作為獨居老人、專業助人者以及未來研究者的參考依據。


The purpose of this research is upon the usage of art therapy medium and/or tools as an intervention method for group therapy focusing in particular on the self integration of elderly living alone in Singapore. This research is conducted with 5 different themes within 6 group therapy with 3 senior citizens , age above of 72 years old. The results of this research and findings are as follows: 1.The Role of the Group Elderly people living alone who participated in groups or group activity may experience initial feeling of uneasiness and gradually accepting it as a platform and opportunity to express themselves and their emotions. The Role of the Group as a platform also offers an opportunity to establish emotional support and develop interpersonal networks among elderly people. The opportunity to listen and share ideas enriches the life experiences of elderly people living alone. 2.The Efficacy of Art Media Medium Through usage of art media and focusing on specific themes and ideas assist the elderly in creativity and also link to their inner life experience, elders can use these expressions as metaphor as means of communication projects and implicit messages, emotions or information. The creative process also give the elderly a sense of achievement and self-affirmation with the group. 3.Learning and Bringing New Changes The elderly experience the learning process and also better understand the meaning to the old adage of "life-long learning philosophy". Through the learning process, the elderly will experience fun and develop an open minded attitude towards accepting differences between one another. Meanwhile, they will also begin to learn the ways of constructive criticism and develop new positive attitude in relating towards one another. The outcomes and results of the findings of this research are discussed and further suggestions are made for future research by professional counselor investigating into the topic of elderly living alone


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