  • 學位論文

交通、族群與埔里地區雜貨店經營之變遷 (1814-1945)

Traffic, Ethnicityand and the Changing Process of the Grocery Store in Puli.(1814-1945)

指導教授 : 林蘭芳


本文主要從交通與族群兩大主軸,探討清代到日治時期埔里地區雜貨店的變遷。並運用清代文獻、日記與日治時期戶籍登記簿、法院檔案、臺灣日日新報等史料,來構築雜貨商進入埔里地區的商業活動與經營面貌。 第一章由清代交通路線到日治時期交通方式的變革,對於雜貨店經營的外部影響談起。以清代埔里地區對外交通路線來說明商業網絡的形成、雜貨行商進入埔里地區的起始與商品來源。其中,商品來源主要是來自彰化、鹿港一帶,與鹿港為清代中部地區商品集散地有關。進入日治時期對於雜貨店經營最大的影響,在於交通方式的改變,如:輕便鐵道的興築和自動車道路的開拓,直接影響商品運輸的成本和時間,更進一步促使埔里地區與臺中地區的往來更為頻繁,而有商業網絡擴大轉移的現象。 第二章從雜貨行商到雜貨店經營,跨越清代到日治時期的雜貨商,如何展現其經營的特色,以及在不同族群的雜貨商經營之下,所呈現的不同經營方式與商品選擇。分別就清代的雜貨行商、日治時期的臺、日人雜貨商來做討論,釐清族群因素影響之下的雜貨店經營,更以日治時期法院檔案中的雜貨商,來探討雜貨商之間的往來與經營,顯現多元族群下的雜貨店經營特色。 第三章聚焦雜貨商在埔里地區的商業活動與地方參與,以及由三個不同世代的雜貨商個案,探討不同政權下雜貨店經營的差異。先就雜貨店的空間分布討論雜貨店經營的選擇,並且呈現雜貨店與埔里地區市街中心轉移的現象。其次,雜貨商與埔里地區居民的互動,在地方組織的參與和舉辦的商業行銷活動上一覽無遺,可見其活躍在埔里地區的情況。最後切入雜貨商個案探討,更能凸顯雜貨店經營在埔里地區的變遷。 總結以上,能夠透過本文來觀看清代到日治時期埔里地區雜貨店的變遷,不只是雜貨店經營上,受著交通與族群因素的影響,也因不同政權下對雜貨商的經營方式,所產生不同的選擇。


雜貨店 雜貨商 埔里 交通 族群


The thesis is mainly focus on traffic and ethnic groups to discuss the development of business activities, displayed by the aspects of grocery stores in Puli from Qing Dynasty to Japanese rule periods. All the historical data are collected from the ancient texts and diaries of Qing Dynasty, and the census registers, files of the courts, and newspapers from Japanese rule period. Chapter one starts with the outer influence to grocery business. In Qing Dynasty, the traffic routes started from Deer Port directly lead the grocers to nearby areas and construct a original commercial network. As a commercial center in middle Taiwan, the routes from Deer Port to Puli not only transfer the goods but also bring up the business activities in the mountain region. Into the Japanese rule period, the change of transportation, such as the construction of railways and driveways in Taichung, lower the cost and shorten the time, creating a better condition for grocers. Consequently, Taichung becomes the new commercial center, and the network is expanded at the same time. The trading characters are mainly discussed in chapter two. The grocers in Qing Dynasty and grocery stores in Japanese rule period have different trading modes. Furthermore, Taiwanese and Japanese grocery stores in Japanese rule period have their own ways to keep business and dealing with each other. The different ethnic groups have special styles on the genre of goods displayed in their stores. According to the files of courts during Japanese governed period, the management of grocery business is influenced by different ethnic groups. Focusing on the business activities and participation in local affairs, the trading modes are influenced by different governors. First of all, the distribution of grocery stores tells the transference of commercial center from streets to streets. And then, the participations with inhabitants and local organizations plus commercial activities prove how flourishing the grocery stores. Finally, there are three cases to explore the change and growth of grocery stores in Puli. Influenced by the development of traffic, different ethnic groups and governments, the change of trading styles from Qing Dynasty to Japanese rule period reveals diversely aspects on grocery stores.


Grocery store Grocer Puli Traffic Ethnicityand.


William Campbell著,許雅琦、陳珮馨譯
