  • 學位論文

新加坡初級院A-LEVEL 考生學習與考試壓力及因應之研究

A Study Of How Singapore Junior College Students Cope With The Study And Examination Stress

指導教授 : 林妙容


論文名称:新加坡初級院 A-LEVEL 考生學習與考試壓力及因應之研究 校院系所: 國立暨南國際大學教育學院輔導與諮商研究所 論文頁數: 104 畢業時間: 民國九十九年六月 學位類别: 碩士 研究生 : 潘姵帉 指導教授: 林妙容博士 本研究以質性研究中的深度訪談法進行探討新加坡初級學院 A-Level 考生學習與考試壓力及因應方式。根據六位受訪研究對象的敘述內容,經由討論及相關文獻理論進行整理分析。本研究之主要發現如下: 1. 新加坡A-Level 考生之學習壓力 綜合研究結果,新加坡A-Level 考生之自我期望為考進本土有威望之大學,拿到一纸受承認之文憑后靠它找份理想職業,以保未來生活無憂。學生有必要考取好成績, 因为入讀大學之競爭非常激烈。學院課業繁重,學生時間常不夠用,同學之间私下比較成績,加上家長對孩子的期望,使學生倍感壓力。 2. 新加坡A-Level 考生之考試壓力 考試壓力主要是考卷的難度高,考題靈活不易解答,學生需多努力練習與復習。 3. 新加坡A-Level 考生因應壓力方法 情緒調節上學生傾向轉換想法應對壓力。但有學生採取冷靜放空思維的獨特方法以應對壓力。行動調節分「生理調適」與「尋求課業協助」。生理調適方面,學生多選擇做運動與玩電腦;看電視及睡覺也有不少。其他則以談話聊天較具代表性。功課方面,學生多傾向找同學與朋友幫忙;難於解決的課業則尋求老師的協助。 4. 新加坡A-Level 考生因應壓力方法對心理的影響 學生的壓力因應方法,對他們心理起着好的影響。學生内心力量增長,自我效能感與内在動力增強,面對壓力時更能有效處理。 研究者根據以上結論進行討論,並提出建議以供專業人士及後續研究者作爲參考依據。


Thesis Title: A Study Of How Singapore Junior College Students Cope With The Study And Examination Stress Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Guidance and Counselling, College of Education, National Chi Nan University Pages: 104 Graduation Time: June 2010 Degree Conferred: Master Student: Poie-Hone Phua Advisor: Miao-Jung Lin Abstract This study refers to a qualitative research and in-depth interview pertaining to Singapore Junior College students coping with study and examination stress. The purpose of the research is to explore and derive the main and common sources of stressors that Junior College students are facing while studying and preparing for their A-Level examination. The research further investigating the methods students use to cope with their study and examination stress. Finally it documents the effectiveness that yielded and how it affects the well-being of the students psychologically after these methods have been applied. Key findings of this study are as follows : 1. The college students self expectation is to study in a good University. 2. The college students think that the examination papers have been tough and difficult. 3. To cope with pressure, some college students transform and change their thinking when problems arise. Occasionally, students apply unique method likes stay calm and empty minds to relief stress. Majority of the students prefer doing exercises as well as playing computer to get rid of their pressure. Some students talk to others to let go their lousy feelings. 4. Students seek help from friends or classmates when they have problems doing school works. They will turn to teachers for better solutions if problems persisting. 5. By applying coping skills, the self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation of students gaining and allow them to handle stress more effectively. 6. To some students, having luck is important when sitting for the examination papers i.e. familiar questions come out in the papers. The above findings and conclusions may be useful for professionals and researchers.


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