  • 學位論文


The Study of Local NPO in Promoting Community Industry – A Case Study of Cingjing , Nan – Tou County.

指導教授 : 林吉郎


地方型非營利組織在觀光產業發展中所扮演的角色功能、困境及其優勢-以清境觀光發展促進會為例 摘要 回顧九二一大地震當時,台灣中部各縣市經大地震肆虐,房屋、建築、道路、橋樑及公共設施嚴重毀損,遍地滿目瘡痍,經濟嚴重衰退。值此同時,行政院成立九二一震災災後重建委員會,投入龐大經費進行災區重建。重建官員深知憑政府一己之力無法盡其功,唯有結合民間組織力量,方能迅速復甦災區產業。在此一理念指導下,九二一重建會在推動觀光產業振興時,乃結合地方政府協助重建區各旅遊線成立觀光發展組織,配合政府推動風景區復建及產業行銷,提振重建區觀光榮景。 民國88年九二一大地震暴發,次年又有碧利斯颱風侵襲,清境地區觀光產業陷入空前蕭條,業者生計難以維持,在九二一重建會及南投縣政府輔導下,觀光業者籌組「南投縣仁愛鄉清境觀光發展促進會」,致力於清境地區觀光產業之永續發展;促進會成立後,不但爭取相關建設,亦影響政府觀光政策,舉辦一系列旅遊促銷活動,加速地區觀光產業發展,促進會此一民間非營利組織,在產業發展、政策影響及公私協力等均扮演一定功能。 針對清境觀光發展促進會之研究發現,地方型非營利組織在與政府、觀光業者及社區往來互動中,扮演協力、支持、監督、整合等多面向之角色,並發揮政策影響、促進地方建設、產業行銷、地方公益及新聞形象營造等功能,惟其持續運作亦面臨使命、財務、參與及業務推動等困境,亟待克服解決,唯有強化其固有之優勢,方能永續經營發展。 關鍵詞:非營利組織 觀光產業 清境農場


The Study of Local NPO in Promoting Community Industry – A Case Study of Cingjing , Nan – Tou County. Abstract In retrospect of the aftermath for 921 earthquakes, every county and city in Taiwan central region had been wreaked havoc. Housings, buildings roads, bridges and public facilities were severely struck with scenes over scenes of eyesores coupling the economical downturns. At this very moment, the Executive Yuan established The 921 Earthquake Post-disaster Recovery Commission, EY (Executive Yuan) and injected massive funds and resources to proceed to the aftermath recoveries. And the officials on this project were well aware beforetime that, merely relying upon government initiatives simply would not work, instead, by uniting and integrating the civilian organizational strengths then it was possible to rapidly resuscitate and inject with hopes of recovery into industries in the disaster area. Under the guidance of this very idea and concept, therefore when 921 Earthquake Post-disaster Recovery Commission was pushing forward the initiatives of energizing the tourism industries, it immediately brought in and integrated with enlisting the local government to assist the reconstructions of every area tourism routes to establish tourism development organizations. With these intact, then it could work in conjunction with the government to promote and activate the reconstruction of scenery spots and industrial sales and marketing with the goal of lifting and reconstructing and bringing back the good-old times for tourism. Since the 921 earthquake, next year immediately followed with Bilis Typhoon, Cingjing area tourism industries again sank to the new lows with unprecedented depressions and the livelihoods of local operators were threatened and struggling all over. Through the counseling from 921 Earthquake Post-disaster Recovery Commission and Nantou County government, the tourism industries formed “Cingjing Veterans Farm Tourism and Development Promotional Association for Ren-ai Township, Nantou County”, dedicating to the sustainable development for Cingjing area tourism. After this development promotional association was established, not only it strived for related construction projects but also influenced governmental tourism policies. With a series of sponsoring tourism sales promotion activities to accelerating area tourism industrial development, the association itself with NPO(Non-Profit Organization) status, intended to play out somewhat destined roles in the arena of industrial development, policy impacting and united efforts in both the private and public domains. The research findings specific to Cingjing tourism development and promotional association indicated that, the local NPOs in the background of interacting among the government, tourism proprietors and communities, finally managed to play the multifaceted roles of assisting, supporting, supervising and integrating in general, in addition, it also gave the rein of functions like policy influencing, promoting the local constructions, industry sales and marketing, local public welfare and newsreel/footage image buildups, etc. Nevertheless, its continuing operation now faces the obstacles of further promotion in the aspects of mission, finance, participation and operation promotion. These are pressing issues to be resolved. And only through strengthening its existing advantages, then it is likely to pursue sustainable management and development goals for the longer terms. Keywords: NPO (Non-Profit Organization), Tourism industry, Cingjing Veterans Farm


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