  • 學位論文


Looking on the Military as Home: Social Welfare Programs and Care Giving for Senior Veterans

指導教授 : 詹火生


老榮民係指於資深榮民群體中,低階的士官兵,單身或晚婚,居住在榮家或散居於四處者。本研究在規範性研究層面上,跳脫傳統「功在黨國」的思維窠臼,以關懷倫理詮釋老榮民福利制度的價值基礎,剖析國家與老榮民世代的關係,以釐清國家在面對此一特殊人口群福利議題上的責任。在實徵研究層面上,以法令制度分析的歷史發展為經,老榮民生命經驗為緯,脈絡式呈現老榮民的福利與處境,並在此等基礎上,以退輔會第一線服務工作者的經驗及相關政策,瞭解老榮民的服務照顧實踐情形,並進一步以正義與關懷倫理檢視福利服務是否回應了需要。 本研究採用解釋現象學分析法,對19 位老榮民、2 位老榮民配偶(遺眷)、11 位服務工作者深入訪談,並以訪談地點為田野觀察處所,同時應用法規與次級資料等,以類屬分析與情境分析為資料分析策略,提供完整的分析解釋。研究發現,過去半世紀以來,國家透過法規與安置措施的制定,早已賦予不同時間、階級退役的資深榮民 不同的物質資本與人生籌碼,此國家權力的施展影響老榮民日後的處境甚巨。而現實上,不論是過去或是現在,受訪老榮民的處境都稱不上好,即連最基本的生活品質都是次等的。 本研究認為「以軍作家」無關老榮民個人同意與否,它是一種社會現實,是抽象的概念、具體的社會,老榮民的照護式婚姻則提供了對親屬關係建立之特殊型態的本土經驗,這亦是他們救濟自己的方法。國家對老榮民有責無旁貸的照顧責任,並應以此做為政策發展的基礎,然而,透過正義倫理檢視,不僅早期安置措施不正義,晚期的預算及族群資源分配亦不正義;以關懷倫理檢視,則對老榮民晚年的服務照顧是「不完整」關懷,所幸退輔會的照顧政策能隨實況調整、修正。本研究指出「一鍋煮」的資深榮民福利論述無法反映現實,資深榮民內部存在高度異質性,恩庇侍從的軍隊福利模型並不適用於老榮民。且不同世代榮民福利屬性的混淆,亦掩飾了國家對老榮民應盡的責任。最後,在老榮民群體即將走入歷史之際,本研究根據研究結論提出政策與實務的建議。


The Nationalist government and its troop fled to Taiwan after the end of Chinese Civil War. There was a militarily antagonism and any communication was not allowed across Taiwan Straits during the Cold War. To demobilize huge soldiers into Taiwan society, the government established the Veteran Affairs Commission to relocate veteran-mainlanders who are called senior veterans officially. On the normative research level, the study interprets how the value of senior veterans, especially the lower-class veteran-mainlanders welfare should be based on the ethics of care to clarify the state’s responsibility. On the empirical research level, the study analyses the national regulations of veteran-service, measures on employment arrangement, and lower-class veteran-mainlanders’ experiences to figure out contextually the circumstances of the veteran-mainlanders in Taiwan. Furthermore, on the basis of the context, the study explores the practices of caring for lower-class veteran-mainlanders and looks into if the care-giving respond their needs by perspective of justice and care ethics. The study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis as a strategy to explore the experiences of lower-class veteran-mainlanders and care-giver who work for the Veteran Affairs Commission by depth interview, field observation, and secondary data. The result shows that the veteran-service regulations and arrangement measures in the earlier periods affect the circumstances of the senior veterans later. Then it describes the life experiences of lower-class veteran-mainlanders by categorization and contextualization. The author points no matter in the past or nowadays the lower-class veteran-mainlanders are second citizen in Taiwan despite their honor citizen appellation. The study implies looking on the military as home is not an identification issue, but a social reality which is nothing to do with like or dislike because most of them never get married and are disciplined by institution of veteran service in whole life. Theoretically, state should take the responsibility of care-giving for those people; however, practically in perspective of justice not only arrangement measures in the earlier periods are injustice but also veteran welfare budget distribution in nowadays. Moreover, from the angle of care ethics caring for lower-class veteran-mainlanders is incomplete as well. The study argues previous discourses view senior veterans as similar so that ignoring the interior severe heterogeneous, therefore, patron-client military welfare model doesn’t fit into the situation of lower-class veteran-mainlanders. The cross-strait cared marriage which lower-class veteran-mainlanders affiliated with mainland spouses through marriage creates a local experience of special type of building up kinship. In addition, state avoids assuming the responsibility in blurring different welfare characters between seniors and recruits in Taiwan. Before the generation of lower-class veteran-mainlanders who are dependent on others for care and support at the end-of-life are going to step into the history, the author provides policy and practice suggestions that includes the suitable social work program.


王雲東、楊培珊、黃竹萱(2007)。〈台灣地區年長榮民生活照顧與婚姻狀況的研究──社會排除觀點的初探〉,《東吳社會工作學報》,17 期,頁33-64。


