  • 學位論文


Social Exclusion in the implementation of Tobacco Control Work

指導教授 : 董娟娟


2009年1月起台灣正式施行〈菸害防制法〉,這部法律影響為數眾多的吸菸者,甚至是非吸菸者,更激起一波新的「反菸與反反菸戰爭」。本研究嘗試以「社會排除理論」(social exclusion theories)檢視在現今反菸風氣下所形成的新興社會問題與「排除卅被排除現象」,並探討這些新課題是在何種脈絡中生成。 除了「文獻分析法」(documentary analysis)外,本論文以「質性研究」的「深度訪談法」為主(in-deep interview),分析「台灣菸害管制背景」、「〈菸害防制法〉推法過程」、「〈菸害防制法修正草案〉推法過程」、以及「〈菸害防制法第四條、第三十五條修正草案〉推法過程」等四個不同階段。回顧的文獻涵蓋國內外各類學術專書、期刊、論文、研究報告、政府出版品、公報、及相關報章雜誌、網路社群的次級文獻資料;訪談則包括「立法委員」、「反菸團體」、「菸商」、與「反反菸團體」,建構及還原在不同時空背景下,四者如何以國家機關作為論述與互動的主要場域。 本研究發現國家與反菸團體的結合,促成反菸運動與反菸立法化之進程,但此一「政治參與」過程,卻排除其他多元行為者的納入,導致〈菸害防制法〉推行後,吸菸者在多重面向「政治參與、文化、教育、道德、醫療保健、空間與場域、經濟」皆產生被排除現象,此不但加深非吸菸者與吸菸者的對立,且因各排除面向的積累、加乘作用,吸菸者更逐漸連結「偏差行為」與「偏差者」的污名。


On January11, 2009, “Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act” was enforced in Taiwan. The promulgation of the act has affected a large number of smokers, and even non-smokers. It caused the conflicts between supporters of ‘Tobacco Control’ and supporters of Anti-Tobacco Control. This study adopted social exclusion theories to investigate social exclusion phenomena caused by tobacco control. Factors responsible for these social problems were also discussed. This qualitative-oriented research utilized two research methods, “document analysis” and “in-deep interview.” This study examined the background of the Taiwan tobacco control, the legislating process of “Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act,” the amending process of “Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act,” the amending of the “4th and 35th of Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.” Data were collected from academic books, journal papers, research reports, government publications, bulletins, newspapers, magazines, and the internet community. Furthermore, interviews with legislators, tobacco control organizations, tobacco companies, and “anti-tobacco control organizations” also provided primary data for the author to analyze the discourse and interaction of tobacco control in the state arena. Research findings showed that the alliance between the government and tobacco control organizations led to anti-smoking campaigns and the legislation of the Tobacco Control Act. However, the exclusion of certain social groups from the policy decision-making process of tobacco control resulted in the social exclusion of smokers. They have been excluded from the following aspects: political participation, culture, education, moralities, health, field, and economics. The consequences were that smokers have been stigmatized and the antagonism between smokers and non-smokers widened.


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