  • 學位論文


The Study of Effective Coaching Process Model for Middle School Badminton Coach

指導教授 : 闕月清


中學羽球教練有效訓練過程模式之研究 指導教授:闕月清 博士 研究生 :鄭漢吾 摘 要 本研究的目的主要在經由紮根理論方法,深入探討我國中學羽球教練的有效訓練過程之內涵與關係、影響因素與因應策略,再經由理論的生成,而嘗試建立一個適於我國之中學羽球教練有效訓練過程模式的理論架構,以增加我們對於運動訓練領域的瞭解。參與研究對象以立意抽樣方式選擇具代表性且分佈於北中南區的10名中學羽球教練,進行實地的研究,採取半結構式訪談、參與觀察、文件分析、調查等方法進行研究,並以訪談大綱、實地筆記、研究日誌等工具蒐集資料,再以紮根理論的編碼程序與方法進行各項資料分析歸納。結果得到:一、中學羽球教練有效訓練過程的因素分由診斷、招募、計劃、目標、訓練、調整、比賽、評鑑等8項組成,其項下並由21項次要因素及94項子因素組成,充分顯現訓練過程組成因素的系統與結構化。二、有效訓練過程的8項因素間具有交織互動的關係,可化約為初始、訓練、比賽與評鑑四個分期,足以展現訓練過程演化的特性。三、影響中學羽球教練有效訓練過程的因素有42項,說明了訓練具有易受相關變數影響的特性。四、研擬出因應影響中學羽球教練有效訓練過程的策略計有47項,可看出影響與因應間的相互關係。五、最後依據實證資料提出有效訓練過程的因素內涵、連結其間關係,進而將其間的因素關係概念化為五心圓的模式圖,據以代表中學羽球教練的有效訓練過程模式之理論架構及模式,最後並依據研究結果提出數項建議,以供將來研究、教練培育與訓練實務參考。 關鍵詞:中學羽球教練、有效訓練、訓練過程模式


The Study of Effective Coaching Process Model for Middle School Badminton Coach Doctoral Dissertation, Jan. 2010 Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph.D. Student: Cheng Han Wu ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to examine the components, relationships, influential factors and coping strategies in effective coaching process through the grounded theory approach applied by the badminton coaches in middle schools. An appropriate theory frame for the effective coaching understanding of sport coaching fields was then constructed. The 10 participants of this research were badminton coaches using purposeful sampling from representative schools located in northern, middle, and southern areas respectively. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, participant observation, documentary analysis and journal. These qualitative data were analyzed inductively by the grounded theory procedures and techniques. The results of this study indicated that: (1) There were 8 components in the effective coaching process: Diagnosis, recruit, planning, goal setting, training, regulation, competition, and evaluation. Twenty-one sub-components and 94 sub-factors were found within the 8 components. (2) There were close relationships and interactions among the 8 components. (3) Forty-two factors showed impacts on the effective coaching process. (4) There were 47coping strategies found to have influence on the effective coaching process. (5) A theoretical frame and a coaching process model based on the empirical data were constructed accordingly. The findings of this study provided some suggestions used as reference for future research, coaching education, and coaching practice. Key words: Middle school badminton coach, effective coaching, coaching process model


