  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張峻嘉


本研究欲瞭解燕巢番石榴專作區背後的結構要素,此要素間如何交互作用進而形塑出今日燕巢的農業地景。透過田調發現,燕巢農會經由成立產銷班、制定生產規範與共選共計的產銷方式,使農會、產銷班與班內農民形成密不可分的社會群體,經由嚴格的品質控管與全年產期調節的特性,來提高產品價值以維持市場競爭優勢。因此透過深度訪談,以社會資本中網絡合作、信任關係與互惠關係的概念,進行農會、產銷班與班員間社會網絡互動情況之調查,以瞭解其社會空間範圍,並深入分析此空間中社會資本的運作及對產業的影響。 研究發現,燕巢番石榴產業的形塑主要由三方力量交織而成。首先,地方的環境優勢:自然條件提供作物栽培的良好基礎、聯外交通網絡易達性高的特點擴大了產品的銷售範圍,為專作區的發展奠定良好基礎;其次,在地對政策的因應:受政府政策影響,地方產業面臨轉型,燕巢農會根據在地自然環境、農民性格、作物特性與品種等條件,選擇組織產銷班發展番石榴為地方主要產業;最後,產銷班與班員的社會資本運作:班與班員經由人際互動、信任關係、組織規範,獲取鑲嵌在社會網絡中的資源,進而累積社會資本,並回饋作用於此產銷組織的社會空間中,提供番石榴產業穩定發展的力量。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the interaction of structural elements that work behind the specialization production area and thus shape the agricultural landscape in Yenchao today. Yenchao Farmers Association maintains the adventages of guava competitiveness by establishing the agricultural production-marketing groups, setting highly production standards, controlling quality of product and regulating production annually. Besides, the association forms a closely social group with agricultural production-marketing groups and farmers. Therefore, through interviewing to the three agents with the concepts: network cooperation, trust, and benefit relationship, the study intends to know how social capital operation does and it’s affection to local industry. The results show that guava industry in Yenchao is shaped by three major forces. Firstly, natural environment provides good conditions for plant growth and high accessibility can expand the scope of product sales. Secondly, under the influence of government policies, Yenchao Farmers Association has decided to develop guava as local major industry. Thirdly, the social capital that works between agricultural production-marketing groups and their members let them get resource and reward to the whole organization, making the industry sustainable development.


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