  • 學位論文


Transformation of Social Movement Organization after ther Transition of the Ruling Party of Taiwan in 2000-the case of Taiwan Environmental Protection Union(TEPU)

指導教授 : 陳延輝


本研究以「政治過程論」為主要的研究途徑,輔以「利益團體」的角度,透過「個案研究」、「文獻分析」與「深度訪談」等研究方法,以台灣環境保護聯盟為例,探討台灣的政黨輪替對社會運動團體所造成的衝擊與其轉型等問題。 由於相同的環保理念、統獨立場的接近,在政黨輪替之前,台灣環境保護聯盟和民進黨存在著友好的政治結盟關係,其共同的抗爭對象是國民黨政府所建立的威權體制,「社會運動政治化」可說是時勢所趨,必然的發展結果。 2000年總統選舉,政治機會結構發生變化,民進黨贏得大選成為執政黨,台灣完成了首次的政黨輪替,經由人民同意所產生的政府取得了正當性與合理性。民進黨的執政也開啟了社運人士進入決策體制的管道,台灣環境保護聯盟不再挑戰政治體制的正當性,抗爭的對象回歸環保議題本身,而採取議題式的抗爭策略,由「社會運動政治化」走向「社會運動議題化」。 本研究發現,社會運動團體在政黨輪替後的轉型特質為: 一、運動路線的轉變:從體制外抗爭走向體制內參與施壓 二、抗爭對象的轉變:從對抗黨國體制走向反對國家政策 三、政治結盟的轉變:從與在野黨合作走向與執政黨合作 四、群眾運動的弱化:從街頭運動形式走向日常行動策略


“Political Process Theory” is a main research approach in this study, meanwhile, along with the opinion of “interest group” via methods of “case study”, “literature analysis” and “in-depth interview” and so on to analyze the impact and transformation of social movement organization after ruling party changed in 2000 in Taiwan. By the same idea on the environmental protection and similar stand on the point of pro Taiwan independence, Taiwan Environmental Protection Union(TEPU) and Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) keep very close relationship in political alliance before 2000. They have the same enemy, the KMT administration, so the “Social Movement Politicization” is the final product in the era and it was the inevitable outcome in political developing. The political opportunity structure changed due to DPP won the presidential election in 2000. The ruling party substituted at the first time in Taiwan peacefully. The new government took the legitimacy and rationality through the general election. The DPP took power also gave social movement activist the channel for entering the decision-maker system. TEPU did not challenge the legitimacy of political system, in returning to the issue of environmental protection in nature. And take the strategy of issue for fighting, the “Social Movement Politicization” developed as “Social Movement Issue”. This studying showed the social movement organization had some characteristics changed after DPP gained the power in 2000. 1.Route changed: from fighting outside of system transformed to participating in governmental system and reforming in system. 2.Fighting target changed: from objecting to ruling machine transformed to object to policy. 3.Political alliance changed: from cooperating with opposition party transformed to cooperated with ruling party. 4.The weakening of mass movement: from fighting on the street transformed to daily action strategy.




