  • 學位論文


UAVs Applied to Survey the Famland Consolidation Area

指導教授 : 黎驥文
共同指導教授 : 張嘉強


無人飛行載具( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)中多軸旋翼式無人載具為一種新式的低空遙測技術,具有即時取得數據、方便作業、成本低、機動性高及分辦率高等優點,但受限於手動控制飛行及電池續航力,導致無法被廣泛應用。本文之目的為使用一種機體成本低於台幣十萬元的低價簡易微型低空攝影調查系統(航高500公尺以下),可應用於小測區的現況調查。該系統採用八軸旋翼機及四軸旋翼機,藉由視訊傳輸可即時獲取空拍畫面與載台位置顯示於地面站的接收系統,並可於地面使用遙控器遙控拍照,儀器攜帶方便,能隨時執行空拍任務。該系統於湖口吳厝農地重劃區(約10公頃)進行飛行拍攝僅需20分鐘,影像涵蓋範圍約20公頃,拍攝後之影像鑲嵌與投影轉換糾正也可在30分鐘內完成,所得之結果雖未進行嚴謹之量測精度檢核,但與該區之地籍圖套繪結果吻合度佳,顯示此種簡易型調查系統於平坦區作業能力之潛力。


Multi-axis rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicle, which is a new kind of low-altitude remote sensing technology, has advantages as such to real-time acquisition of data, easy operation, low cost, high mobility and high resolution, etc., but has the limitation of manual control and battery endurance that makes it impossible to be widely used. Prevalence purpose of this paper is to design a low-cost, low-altitude drone which costs less than 100,000NT$ for photogrammetric surveillance (flight height below 500 meters) in order to be applied to a small area. The system uses a set of eight-axis rotorcraft, with instant access to video transmission for acquisition of air photos and platform location that can be showed on the receiving system in the ground station by using the remote control. The instrument is easy to carry and can execute aero-photography tasks at any time. It took only 20 minutes to carry out the task of aero-photography and the coverage of imagery was about 20 hectares at Wu-house farmland in Hukou, Xinzhu. After the aero-photography, works of image mosaicking and projection conversion could also be done within 30 minutes. Although the results were not yet inspected byrigorous standard of measurement accuracy, they fitted the areas of cadastral maps and showed the potential of such a system for operational capability in flat areas.


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