  • 學位論文


The Influences of Microfilm on Travel Intention -The Case of "Find Love from the Heart" to Singapore Tourism

指導教授 : 李宜致


隨著科技的進步,微電影成為廣告商推銷商品的熱門手法。新加坡旅遊局也搭上這個風潮,推出由林依晨主演的微電影《從心發現愛》,藉由台灣電視劇《我可能不會愛你》的高人氣,將劇情延續並將場景拉至新加坡,希望能在台灣及中國引起共鳴,吸引更多遊客至新加坡旅遊。本研究主要目的是探討微電影《從心發現愛》劇中偶像喜好程度、微電影內容涉入程度、微電影滿意度及旅遊意願的之間的關係,以及喜好程度及涉入程度透過微電影滿意度對旅遊意願所造成的影響。本研究針對國中生及大學生進行不記名問卷施測,請受測者觀看完微電影後,再發放問卷填寫,共收回280份有效問卷。本研究以SPSS 14.0中文視窗版為統計工具,並以Sobel來檢驗微電影滿意度的中介效果。研究結果發現:微電影劇中偶像喜好程度及內容涉入程度均對微電影滿意度有正向影響性;微電影滿意度對旅遊意願有正向影響性;微電影劇中偶像喜好程度及內容涉入程度均對旅遊意願有正向影響性;滿意度為偶像喜好程度與旅遊意願,以及內容涉入程度與旅遊意願之間的中介。希望本研究結果能給不同國家或城市的旅遊局做參考。


With the advance of technology, microfilms has become a popular tool for advertisers to promote their products. Singapore Tourism Board also caught up with the trend. It distributed a microfilm, "Find Love from the Heart". The microfilm was starred by Ariel Lin and continued the plot of a popular Taiwanese drama "In Time with You". It took the scene to Singapore to attract more Taiwanese and Chinese tourists to Singapore. In the study, we use the microfilm "Find Love from the Heart" as a case. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between the actors preference value, the content involvement, the microfilm satisfaction, and the travel intention, also to investigate the effects of the actors preference value and the content involvement on the travel intention through the microfilm satisfaction. This study collect anonymous questionnaires from junior high school and college students. The subjects were asked to watch the microfilm and then answered the questionnaire. 280 valid questionnaires have been collected. This study uses SPSS 14.0 to analyze the results and Sobel to examine the mediating effect of the microfilm satisfaction. The results show that the actors preference value and the content involvement all have positive effects on the microfilm satisfaction; the microfilm satisfaction has a positive effect on the travel intention; the actors preference value and the content involvement all have positive effects on the travel intention; the relationships between the actors preference value and the travel intention and also between the content involvement and the travel intention are mediated by the microfilm satisfaction. Hoping the study is helpful to tourism boards in other countries or cities.


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