  • 學位論文


The influence of the travel intention on the interaction experience of the travel website

指導教授 : 劉士豪


近年來,國人越來越重視休閒旅遊,而民眾在國內的旅遊方式大多數採自助旅行,亦即旅遊者必需自行規劃旅行的所有事情,因此對旅遊資訊的需求較高。另外,旅遊網站已成為旅遊資訊搜尋的重要管道。由此可知,旅行業者可透過網站所提供的各項服務、活動與資訊,更容易的接觸到旅遊者,並且藉此吸引他們的注意力以及提升其旅遊體驗,以至提高實地參與旅遊行程之意圖。 體驗行銷在最近幾年蔚為風潮,而這股風潮也吹進了虛擬網路上。而網路上的體驗行銷有很多種類,本研究大致分為「互動式」和「資訊瀏覽式」,並探討其對於旅遊體驗會產生何種影響。其中,體驗並非單一整合,而是複合的感覺,因此本研究將旅遊體驗分成五種:「功能性」、「娛樂性」、「創新性」、「美學性」、「符號性」。另外,本研究也認為旅遊網站業者在提供功能與服務時,應考量其目標客群的特質,因此加入了「涉入」與「規範順從性」來加以探討其干擾整個體驗活動的過程。 本研究以台東地區的旅遊據點資料而設計的實驗網站做為研究平台,採實驗室實驗法。總共回收198份有效問卷,以迴歸分析方法來檢驗模型架構,研究結果顯示:一、互動式體驗確實能夠提高旅遊體驗,但不是五種體驗皆一致提高。二、互動式的設計會受到涉入和規範順從性而產生不同的旅遊體驗,其中涉入程度愈高者將會大幅提高其旅遊體驗;而規範順從性程度愈低者會大幅提高其旅遊體驗。三、互動式體驗雖然會提高旅遊體驗,但旅遊意圖的效果卻不比資訊瀏覽式來的好。透過本研究分析結果,可提供旅遊網站業者對於日後欲設計與提供互動式體驗之建議。


Taiwanese tourists are mostly self-service travelers, so they have to plan all the things for travel. In addition, travel websites have become an important channel for tourist information. From this, the tourism industries provided the services, activities and information through the website, and easier access to tourists. So that could enhance their travel experience, and improve the intention to participate in tours. Experience marketing is the trend, especially on the virtual network. However, the experience is not a single, but complex feeling. Therefore, this study will divide into five travel experience:"Functional", "Hedonic", "Innovation", "Aesthetics", and "Sign". In addition, this study also suggests that the industry should consider the characteristics of its target customers, thus adding the "Involvement" and "Normative Compliance". In this study, participants were divided into 2 groups: A.Interactive:Browse the tourist information on the website then use the scheduling function to arrange their schedules. B.Information browsing-style:Brows a variety of schedule and information on the tourist website. The result of the study shows that: 1.Interactive experience can improve the travel experience, but not the five kinds of experience are the same increase. 2.Interactive design will be influenced by "Involvement" and "Normative Compliance". Involvement in the higher level and Normative Compliance in the lower level will increase their travel experience. 3.Although the "Interactive" will raise the travel experience, but the effect of travel intention is not well than the "Information browsing-style".


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