  • 學位論文


An Tourist Scheduling System with Creating Tourism Experience.

指導教授 : 劉士豪


因網際網路的興起與電子商務的發展,以及台灣國人對於旅遊需求的提升,使得旅遊網站也跟著林立。雖然自助旅行的人數是佔台灣國人旅遊人數的8成以上,但是不論是政府機關負責建置的旅遊網站,或是民間旅遊業者創建的旅遊網站,多是提供簡單的旅遊資訊與制式的套裝行程,無法協助使用者自行排程旅遊行程及提升參與旅遊行程的意願。 Holbrook & Hirshman(1982)、Boulding(1956)與Phelps(1986)以及周顏孝慈(2003)等學者提出的理論,發現旅遊者在從事旅遊資訊搜尋與瀏覽時會提高對旅遊據點的瞭解和與趣,並且產生愉悅的感受與體驗,而未來前往旅遊據點的可能性會顯著增加。本研究基於以上學者的理論,考量透過系統體驗來提升旅遊體驗與意圖的可能性,而發展了一套以創造使用者旅遊體驗為基礎的排程系統。 本研究將使用者分為三組:「閱讀旅遊行程及瀏覽旅遊資訊」、「瀏覽旅遊資訊並使用排程系統」、「瀏覽旅遊資訊、使用排程系統並產生旅遊手冊」,分別進行實驗;於實驗的結果發現使用者的系統體驗會正向影響旅遊體驗,而旅遊體驗會正向影響旅遊意圖。而系統的使用上,成效最好的是「瀏覽旅遊資訊、使用排程系統並產生旅遊手冊」。因此透過使用本研究之旅遊排程系統,能夠透過使用者產生良好的系統體驗而提升使用者的旅遊體驗與意圖,並且可以協助使用者排定旅遊行程。


In Taiwan, we have many commercial websites designated for tourist purpose. Even though those websites are now major sales channels for tourist product in our country, most of them provide only simply tourist information or standard suites of journey. Although there are more than 80% of Taiwanese tourists are now self-service travelers, for these self-service travelers, those tourist websites could neither help them scheduling their own tours nor improve their intention to tour. According to the researches of Holbrook & Hirshman(1982), Boulding(1956), Phelps(1986) and Chou Yen(2003). When user search and browse tourist information, they will more understand and interest of the touring spots and encourage their intention to take the tour in the future. This study believed that if we can increase tourists’ experience and make them feel fun through making their own touring schedule, the increase of tourists’ system experience will create their intention to tour via increasing their touring experience. In this study, participants were divided into 3 groups: A. Reading a suite of tourist schedule then browse the tourist information on the website. B. Browse the tourist information on the website then use the scheduling function to arrange their schedules. C. Browse the tourist information on the website, use the scheduling function and generate a customized tourist guide for their own schedules. The result of the study shows that: 1. The System Experience did influence the Touring Experience and the Touring Experience then influence the tourists’ Intention to Tour. 2. By using our tourist scheduling function, those tourists do have a better System Experience, and that will improve their Touring Experience then improve their Intention to Tour.


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黃鎮央(2013)。旅遊行程規劃平台之設計-使用Google Maps〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6826/NUTC.2013.00118
