  • 學位論文

口碑、服務品質對家長選擇補習班之影響 -以企業形象為中介

The Influence of Word-of-Mouth and Service Quality on Choosing Cram Schools by Parents - Corporate Image as a Mediator

指導教授 : 莊育詩




Most of the junior high school students go to cram after school in Taiwan. According to literature reviews about cram schools, most of the researches are the directly effects of word-of-mouth、service quality、corporate image on purchase intention. The impact of corporate image as a mediator has rarely been explored. Therefore this research has aimed the parents who have children studying in junior high school with tutoring experience and live in Luzhu, Taoyuan. Total 307 questionnaires were collected and among them, 212 are valid. After used structural equation model (SEM) analysis, the result has demonstrated that: (1)The most influential communicators are neighbors and friends, accounting for 43.9%. Next are the child’s classmates, accounting for 31.6%. (2)Word-of-mouth and Service quality both have positive and significant influence on corporate image. (3)Word-of-mouth、Service quality and Corporate image all have positive and significant influence on purchase intention. (4)Corporate image between Word-of-mouth and purchase intention has a partial mediating effect. (5)Corporate image between Service quality and purchase intention has a completely mediating effect. Based on this research, corporate image not only has mediating effect on choosing cram schools, but also is the key to stand out.


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