  • 學位論文


Research of Fashion Technology Acceptance Model for the Elderly People: Using Fashion Technology Consumer Product as an Example

指導教授 : 呂慈恩


Peter Drucker (2003) 提出學習與採用新科技,將是國家與文化獲致成功,並使經濟有高度競爭力的一個前提條件。在人口高齡化的21世紀,老年經濟的相關產品和服務相繼湧現,銀髮族相關產業龐大的商機已吸引國內外廠商積極投入。而對於高齡化的議題,全世界政府莫不投入各項計畫積極規劃以因應此項趨勢的需求。其中有關銀髮族的資訊科技學習需求、益智娛樂、心靈成長方面,更是未來經濟社會發展的重點。   本研究的目的最主要是探討銀髮族對時尚科技產品的使用行為意圖為何,本研究將以Moon & Kim (2001)提出之延伸科技接受模型為基礎,加入外部變項主觀規範、自我效能與資訊品質,發展銀髮族對時尚科技產品之認知模型,實證瞭解銀髮族對使用時尚科技產品的影響因素與接受的情形。   在研究結果方面可從以下四部份來說明一、主觀規範、資訊品質對使用行為意圖無顯著關係,知覺有用性、知覺易用性、益智娛樂性具有正向顯著影響關係。二、主觀規範、資訊品質與知覺易用性變項皆對知覺有用性具有正向顯著影響關係。三、主觀規範、自我效能與資訊品質變項對知覺易用性具有正向顯著影響關係。四、知覺易用性對益智娛樂性有正向顯著影響關係。


Peter Drucker (2003)Make learning and using new technology, Country and culture will be a success, Highly competitive economy and make a prerequisite. In the aging population in the 21st century, Old age-related products and services have emerged, Seniors related industries has attracted a huge business opportunity actively involved in domestic and foreign firms. For aging issues, Governments around the world who did not actively planning to put the plan in response to the trend of demand. In which the seniors' information technology learning needs, Puzzle entertainment, Spiritual growth, the more the focus of future economic and social development.   The main purpose of this study was to explore the seniors to fashion technology products, the use of behavioral intentions are, The study will be Moon & Kim (2001) proposed an extension of technology acceptance model, based on Adding external variables subjective norms, self-efficacy and quality information, Development of senior citizens to "fashion technology products," the cognitive model, Seniors empirical understanding of the use of fashion technology products impact factors and to accept the situation.   In the study area can be illustrated from the following four parts First, subjective norm, information quality on the use of no significant relationship between behavioral intentions, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, Puzzle entertainment has a positive significant effect relationship. Second, subjective norm, information quality and perceived ease of use variables are on the perceived usefulness has a positive significant effect relationship. Third, subjective norm, self-efficacy and the information quality variables on perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on relations. Fourth, perceived ease of use of Puzzle entertainment has a significant positive impact on relations.


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