  • 學位論文


Global Production Networks and Industry Standard Setting in China - A case study of TD-SCDMA

指導教授 : 周志龍


中國科技產業發展的特殊性,在於產業技術能力還處於發展中國家之列,卻有龐大要素與消費市場的規模優勢。與其他發展中國家相比,中國先天上具備更好的發展條件,因此可以尋求異於其他後進國家的發展經驗與策略,嘗試在技術與市場上挑戰全球生產網絡既有權力與價值結構。然而市場規模給予中國的發展優勢並非成功保證,對於中國科技產業而言,科技產業快速發展凸顯出民間技術水平低落的先天缺陷,成為發展的一大限制。對於中國政府而言,如何透過國家力量建構自主知識產權並達成產業升級,是個值得討論分析的議題。 本文探討中國作為一個擁有特殊發展條件的後進國家,如何善用優勢達成在經濟與技術追趕的目的,發現其在發展過程中之所以能挑戰旗艦跨國企業的權力,是因為其龐大內需市場的後盾以及國家特殊政治體制下產生的制度權力,使中國政府在國際與國內層次進行技術追趕的策略運用時可以保持主動而形成強勢競爭的姿態,形成異於Evan三邊聯合模式的情形。在理論探討部分,本文側重全球生產網絡權力關係,以及中國加入競爭後治理模式的變遷;案例探討則是以TD-SCDMA技術發展歷程為案例,觀察中國政府從技術萌芽期到擴散期運用的策略;最後再結合上述兩部分內容,對於TD-SCDMA建構過程中行動者的策略與作為進行分析。 最後,本文認為在中國政府主導以及內外資企業共同參與的情況下,TD-SCDMA自主技術標準的標準化與產業化發展可說是已具規模,顯示中國技術民族主義的策略執行是成功的。尤其是中國政府在全球生產網絡權力不對稱的關係中仍能保持主動,在後進國家發展案例上十分少見。然而3G市場正式開放後TD-SCDMA是否能取得足夠市佔率仍是未知數,中國企業在市場端經營能力仍然落後許多,而這些弱勢部分卻不是中國政府所能解決的,因此接下來商用階段將是影響TD-SCDMA的成敗關鍵。


The specialty of China's development of the technology industry lies in the fact that the industry’s technical capacity is still listed among that of the developing countries, although huge elements of the consumer market and scale advantages remain. China has better conditions for development than other developing countries. In order to deal with the technology and market challenges of global production networks and the existing power and value structure, it can seek different strategies and expertise of other less developed countries. However, given market scale advantages of China's development does not guarantee success. For China's technology industry, the rapid development of this industry highlights the low level of civil technical defects and has become a major development restriction. To China’s government, building national forces to reach their own intellectual property rights and industrial upgrading, is worth discussing. China’s case is different to that of other less developed countries. How does China use the advantageous conditions to challenge the powerful contest of transnational flagship corporations? We think of China as having huge elements of the consumer market and having the institutional power backing of the special political system. And we think that these conditions make up China economic and technical extent. In the theory discussion section, the context is about power systems in global production networks. How does the GPN’s governance make changes after China entered the competition? In the case study part, the context is about the development process of TD-SCDMA. Finally, the context analyzes the actors’ strategy and action for the development process of TD-SCDMA. This paper holds that the development of TD-SCDMA in China is government-led, and jointly foreign-funded by domestic enterprises. Standardization and industrial development of TD-SCDMA have now begun to take shape. China’s independent technical standard of strategy is successful. In particular, by taking the initiative, China’s government can maintain a global production network. And this is a very rare case in less developed countries. However, we cannot be assured that TD-SCDMA can obtain enough market share after the opening of the 3G market, because China’s enterprises operate in a market-capacity still lagging behind other transnational flagship corporations. And this disadvantage is not part of Chinese government’s resolve. So the next stage of trade will be the impact of TD-SCDMA’s success or not.


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