  • 學位論文


Adjudication of Patent Validity Issues in Patent Infringement

指導教授 : 陳春生


有關專利權之糾紛,在我國採取公、私法分離審理之司法二元制度之設計下,以往原告向普通法院提起專利侵權民事訴訟時,被告通常會向智慧財產權專責機關即經濟部智慧財產局提起專利舉發,主張兩造所爭執之專利具有無效或得撤銷之事由,並以該專利舉發事件,向普通法院聲請裁定停止訴訟。普通法院為了避免產生裁判歧異及尊重智慧財產局對專利權之判斷餘地,通常會裁定停止訴訟,等智慧財產局對專利權利有效性作認定之後,始就專利侵權民事訴訟為裁判。然而,專利民事侵權紛爭與專利權利有效性紛爭無法在同一訴訟程序處理,常導致訴訟延宕多年,且難以適時保障專利權人之專利權。 有鑑於智慧財產權保護之重要性與日俱增,而人民提起專利侵權訴訟之情形日漸頻繁,我國立法院立法院於民國96年間三讀通過「智慧財產法院組織法」與「智慧財產案件審理法」等相關法律,於97年7月1日經總統公布,並於同日正式成立智慧財產法院,首度突破採取公、私法分離審理之司法二元制度之訴訟審理模式,將行政事件、民事事件及刑事案件合併於智慧財產法院審理。其中智慧財產案件審理法第十六條規定更創設法院應就當事人主張或抗辯智慧財產權有應撤銷、廢止之原因,自為判斷有無理由,以解決以往普通法院在專利侵權民事訴訟中無法為專利權利有效性之判斷而延宕訴訟之問題。本論文即以此為核心問題,就法律學理上及實務運作上作相關討論。 本碩士論文結構上共分為七個章節。第一章為緒論,說明研究動機及目的、範圍及方法與論文架構。第二章簡介我國智慧財產法院;第三章說明授予專利權之法律性質。第四章介紹各國判斷專利有效性之制度,主要係介紹美國、德國及日本之專利有效性制度。第五章及第六章則說明我國法院就專利侵權訴訟中得為有效性判斷之相關規定及目前訴訟實務運作上所衍生之問題,並分析我國智慧財產法院目前就專利權有效性抗辯判決之情形。第七章為結論,就上開諸多問題,提出建議及看法。


The legal dispute of a patent right in Taiwan was traditionally proceeded in two paths. While the patentee may sue the infringer in a general court, the infringer can file an opposition in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) to challenge the patentability of the disputed patent. The general court may grant a motion to stay filed by the infringer on the ground that the patentability issues are adjudicated in the TIPO. The general court will wait until the TIPO decides whether the disputed patent is valid. That causes the dispute to last for several years without any solid outcome, so the patentee cannot enjoy substantial protection of his patent right. To solve such problems, the Legislative Yuan passed the Intellectual Property Court Organization Act and Intellectual Property Case Proceeding Act effective in 2007, and, then, created the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court which was established on July 1, 2008 and has exclusive subject matter jurisdiction over patent cases. Regarding a patent dispute, Article 16 of the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act provides that the TIPO may determine patentability issues raised by a defendant. In this thesis, the legal theories and practice related to the new system will be discussed. This thesis has seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction explaining the research motives and purposes, scope and methodology, and thesis structure.The second chapter introduces the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court.The third chapter describes the legal nature of granting a patent. The fourth chapter introduces the legal systems of different countries, such as the United States, German, and Japan, in adjudicating the validity issues of a patent. The fifth and sixth chapter discuss the law regarding adjudications of patentability and the issues arising from the practice of the Court, and analyze the Court’s decisions related to patentability in patent litigation. The seventh chapter is the conclusion providing comments and solutions.


2. 智慧財產法院全球資訊網之《智慧財產案件審理模式說明》
8. 洪志勳,《專利集管授權之專利權濫用探討》,科技法律透析,18卷9期,1996年9月。
26. 博仲法律事務所,《專利商標行政救濟制度之研究》,經濟部智慧財產局,2003年12月。
5. 經濟部智慧財產局網頁
6. 經濟部智慧財產局網頁之《專利-常見問題》:


