  • 學位論文


Discussing Yee Chiang’s Travel Writings with Paintings from an Intercultural Communication Perspective - Case Study of Translated Versions Published in Taiwan

指導教授 : 侯迺慧


本論文旨從傳播學的角度,看蔣彝如何利用畫記中的文化書寫以及藝術創作,來進行文化傳播。研究的文本為台灣地區翻譯出版的四部英國畫記─《湖區畫記》、《倫敦畫記》《牛津畫記》以及《愛丁堡畫記》。 本研究主要以傳播學的概念,包括:傳播者、訊息、管道、接收者等層面,進行分析研究,亦即從作者(傳播者)、文本(傳播訊息)、文化媒介(傳播管道)、讀者(接收者)四個層面,來看蔣彝如何利用英國畫記進行跨文化傳播,並引起讀者廣泛的共鳴。 本論文主要分為六章。第一章說明研究動機、目的,界定研究範圍,並進行文獻回顧及探討。在第二章中,探討作者的出生及時代背景、創作意圖。第三章探討蔣彝如何藉由文字敘述表達文化理念。第四章探討如何運用中國藝術作為畫記中的文化媒介。第五章從讀者反應的角度來看蔣彝的畫記創作是如何產生共鳴。第六章為結論。 根據研究結果,蔣彝的英國畫記除了文學上的美學價值外,更承載了中西雙方的文化成分。蔣彝以跨文化傳播為意圖而創作英國畫記,在英國畫記中,他利用英文書寫,闡述其在文化比較下產生的文化自覺,再來,透過中國繪畫、漫畫以及中國書法作為媒介,傳達了以中國之眼觀看異文化的心境、視角、內容以及與東方文化的異同,並引起讀者廣泛共鳴。以大量印刷書籍出版的傳播方式,更提供了蔣彝畫記在同時進行視覺圖像與文字傳播上一個便利的管道,使其英國畫記能夠風行西方。而畫記的豐富、獨特及權威性也受到讀者注意,為雙方溝通建立了一個以書籍為媒介的共同經驗。 透過本研究,可以小窺大,進一步了解蔣彝創作的一系列作品在西方世界的影響力。


The main purpose of this study is to discuss cultural patterns and art forms in Yee Chiang’s travel writings with paintings, written in England from an intercultural communication perspective. The materials chosen for this study are translated versions published in Taiwan as follows: “The Silent Traveller in Lakeland”, “The Silent Traveller in London”, “The Silent Traveller in Oxford “and “The Silent Traveller in Edinburgh”. This research is mainly divided into six sections. The first section of the research is a review of the literature in which motivations, purpose and chosen materials of the study are addressed. The second section provides a brief introduction to the general background of the author and materials. Next, the third section describes Yee Chiang’s cultural awareness in the writings, while the forth section on the other hand describes the art forms used as cultural media in the books. In the fifth section, the influences of the books are examined by readers’ responses. Finally, results are discussed and conclusions are drawn. The method to carry out this study is using content analysis to examine ideas of four communication concepts─ communicator, message, channel and receiver appeared in Yee Chiang’s works. The characteristics of intercultural communication could be identified in Yee Chiang’s four travel writings written in England. The results of the study show that except for the aesthetics value, Yee Chiang’s success is more likely to be Yee’s intention of intercultural communication. We found that Yee’s awareness of culture is based on his comparison of England and Chinese experiences mentioned in his books. In addition, to make his ideas more understandable, Yee uses Chinese paintings, comics and calligraphy as media to convey his emotions, different angles and varieties of subjects toward the two cultures. It is these efforts which Yee makes to transform his works to become easily readable. On the other hand, the rising of the book market in England provides a more accessible channel for publishing and selling Yee’s books consisted of images and literature. However, the main factor of Yee’s works provide a way for Westerners and Easterners to develop their mutual understanding based on the common experiences drawn in his books., the abundance, uniqueness and authority of the books mostly catch readers’ attention. To conclude, the findings of the study could be taken as an example to explain the tremendous influences of Yee Chiang’s travel works in world literature.


18.﹝英﹞柯律格(Craig Clunas),〈物質文化──在東西二元論之外〉,《新史學》,第17卷4期(2006年),頁195-215。
