  • 學位論文


A Study of Client Violence against Hospital Social Workers

指導教授 : 曾敏傑


本研究旨在探究醫院社會工作者遭遇案主暴力的情形,以及受暴後的情緒調適與對案主與社工場域的感受想法,採用質性研究的方式,以曾經遭遇案主暴力的現職醫院社會工作者為訪談對象,總共訪談六位醫院社會工作者。透過訪談的資料蒐集與分析,得到的研究結果如下: 一、醫院社工遭受案主暴力的經驗: (一)受暴原因:案主生理疾病、情緒無法控制、權益上的爭執等。 (二)受暴類別:肢體暴力、口語威脅、情境中的被威脅感與財物損害等。 (三)受暴地點:病房、辦公室、會談室等。 (四)醫院處理方式:改善硬體設施、主管的處理方式。 二、醫院社工受暴後的情緒感受與調適: (一)情緒感受:驚嚇、害怕、生氣、羞愧、焦慮擔憂。 (二)情緒調適:同儕與主管的協助、宗教信仰、心理諮商等。 三、醫院社工受暴後對案主與社工場域的感受: (一)對案主的想法與感受:認為施暴案主是因情緒不穩引起、認為施暴案主讓自己產生恐懼與壓力、對施暴案主有矛盾的情緒、對施暴案主有害怕的感受。 (二)對社工場域的想法與感受:認為是對自己的挑戰、認為機構主管的支持會影響對場域的想法。 四、醫務社工遭遇案主暴力的相關建議: (一)醫務社工遭遇案主暴力的因應方式:會談對象的評估、會談地點的選擇、提高對會談對象的覺察、安撫會談對象的情緒。 (二)醫務社工對人身安全改善內容之建議:學校教育、硬體設備與人力支援、心理上的調適與求助、實務工作者的分享、暴力演練與環境的注意。 根據上述的研究結果提出了以下建議:對政策議題的建議-正視社工人權,提出相關法令的擬定與賠償方法。對實務面的建議-醫療機構的設備改善與相關教育訓練;管理階層的支持與給予最多的協助;學校教育相關議題的開設;醫院社工本身技巧的提升。


案主暴力 醫務社工


This research is to study the violence suffered by social workers in hospital from client and the emotional adaptation after sufferance as well as the feeling and feeling of client and social work scenario. In this research, qualitative research approach is adopted by interviewing those social workers suffered client violence and still remaining in hospital. 6 such social workers were interviewed. Through the collection and analysis of data in interview, the author has come to the results of research as the following: 1. Experience of Client Violence of Hospital Social Worker 1) Cause of sufferance: Physical disease, failure of emotional control or dispute over interest of client. 2) Type of violence: Physical violence, oral threat, sense of being threatened in the scene and property damage. 3) Location of violence: Ward, office, interview room. 4) Handling of hospital: Improving hardware facility, handling manner of competent officer 2. Emotional feeling and adaptation of social worker after suffering violence 1) Emotional perception: Frightened, scared, angry, ashamed, anxious and worrisome. 2) Emotional adaptation: Assistance from peer and officer, religious faith, mental consulting 3. The feeling of hospital social workers after violence over the client and the social work site 1) Feeling and thinking over client: Believing that the client violence is arising from instable emotion, client make him/herself into fear and stress, having contradictory feeling over client and having frightened feeling over client 2) Feeling and thinking over the social work site: Taking is as a challenge to social worker and believing the support of the management of the institution will affect the thinking over the work site. 4. Suggestions related to the sufferance of social worker from client violence 1) The responding manner of hospital social worker suffering client violence: assessment of interviewed, selection of location of interview, increasing the sensitivity of the interviewed, pacifying the emotion of interviewed 2) Suggestion of hospital social worker for the content protection of personal safety: School education, support of hardware equipment and manpower, psychological adaptation and request of help, sharing of practical workers, violence drill and care to environment. Basis the above results of research, the author provided the following suggestion: 1. Suggestions on the policy issue – recognizing human right of social worker, proposing related legislation and compensation 2. Suggestion in practical side – Improvement of equipment of medical institution and related training, support from management and providing the maximum assistance, offering study in related issued in school, improvement of social worker skill.


client violence




