  • 學位論文


A Study on The Decision Model&Impact Assessment of the Declaration of Political Concern by Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁興利


台灣基督長老教會長期以來本著信仰良心,基於對上帝與對眾人的愛去關心政治、人權及民主法治等議題,卻也因此遭受來自內部與外部的挑戰。本研究試圖了解信徒對於長老教會所提出之政治關懷宣言的認知、對政治關懷事務的認同程度以及對宣言影響層面的看法。同時探討信徒眼中的台灣基督長老教會是否具政治親近性,以及民進黨執政時期與未來政黨政治下的政教關係。 本研究結合質與量的研究方法。首先利用文獻分析法就台灣基督長老教會從事政治關懷的行動依據、教會組織體制以及決策模式進行了解。接著針對政治關懷宣言的制定與影響、政教關係等問題進行牧長與長老教會出身民代的深度訪談。並以全數信徒為母體,依各中區會信徒比例進行分層隨機抽樣,共取得有效樣本1093份,再透過量化研究方法進行次數分配、卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析。 研究發現,「性別」、「年齡」、「族群」、「成為信徒時間」、「是否擔任長執或牧師」在本研究諸多題項中確實有差異存在。政治關懷宣言乃依循長老教會內部民主代議的決策方式產生,然信徒對於政治關懷宣言的內容及制定過程並非很清楚。關於長老教會在政治關懷事務的主張方面,信徒整體表示認同,僅投(配)票行為影響程度相對稍小。另在綜合影響的部份,信徒認為政治關懷宣言對所屬教會會友、社會輿論較有影響力;對於政治人物與政策決策者、政策制定過程及內涵等部分,則較沒有影響力。同時信徒也認為台灣基督長老教會具有政治親近性。 另於訪談結果發現,受訪者認為政治關懷宣言的影響層面即使非立即可見,也是長遠且廣泛的。對於「政教分離」彼此雖有不同的看法及解釋,對基督徒從事政治關懷的立場卻是一致的。與民進黨政府的關係呈現:一、秉持信仰良心,用愛心說誠實話;二、批判性的支持;三、較有合作默契;四、影響民進黨的政治參與者。而未來政教關係的模式為:一、秉持中立提出建言;二、就特定議題與民進黨合作;三、就更多元的議題表達其看法;四、堅守台灣主權持續為台灣發聲。


The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) had long been adhering to a conscience of belief and the love of God and of his people when showing concern on issues of politics, human rights and democracy while subject to challenges externally as well as from within. This research attempt to understand how its followers perceive the declaration of concern for politics, to what degree would they identify matters related to political concerns, and to what level would the declaration affect. This survey also intend to find out what is our followers’ view on the Presbyterian Church and its political proximity and the political and religious relationship of the DPP during their time in power and of future political parties. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are adopted in this research. Document analysis was first introduced in order to understand the action basis, church structure and the mode of decision policy of the PCT in its endeavor to participate in political concerns. Following this process was the series of in depth interviews with pastors, elders and public representatives of PCT origins to pinpoint on issues of the establishment and effect of the politics concern declaration and the relations between politics and religion. The total follower of the PCT was the main structure and random sampling was conducted with various levels of followers in all parishes. A total of 1093 samples were collected. Quantitative study by means of frequency distribution, Chi-square, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance. In the study, it was revealed that in the question factors of “Sex”, “Age”, “Groups”, “Time Became A Believer”, “Are You an Elder, a Committee Member or Pastor” differences do existed. The politic concern declaration was established by the elders internally but in a democratic representative system. However followers do not know clearly about the content and the process of development of the declaration. With regards to the position of the PCT’s in politic concern affairs all the followers showed agreement with a minor effect on the conduct of vote casting (distributing). As for its combined effect, some followers were of the opinion that the declaration will have greater effect on members of the followers of the PCT and public opinion but have less influence to political figures, policy makers, the process policies are established and the contents of the policy. Also the followers are of the opinion that the PCT possesses political proximity. In the findings, it was also revealed that followers believed that the politic concern declaration will have a long-term and broad-based effect though not necessarily immediate. And although on the issue of separating politics and religion there are quite some different viewpoints, the samples are unanimous on the standpoint of Christians involved in politic concerns. As for their relationship with the DPP government, it was presented as 1. Adhere to conscience of belief tell the truth with love; 2. Critically supportive; 3. Have relatively good tacit understanding; 4. Influence those who participate in DPP political activities. With regards to the mode of political-religious relation in the future, it was interpreted as : 1. Adhere to neutral suggestions; 2. Cooperate with the DPP on specific issues; 3. Express viewpoints on multiple issues; 4. Persist on Taiwan’s sovereignty and voice out for Taiwan.


台灣團結聯盟 http://www.tsu.org.tw。
