  • 學位論文


The Study of Sea Route Drug Trafficking Organizations and Modus Operandi

指導教授 : 許春金


有鑒於毒品問題對國家危害之嚴重性,尤其近幾年來使用年齡層下降,查獲之毒品數量居高不下,校園氾濫程度比過去六年成長七倍之多,如何斷絕源頭成為重要的課題。 為能深入探討毒品販運組織與犯罪手法,就所蒐集之資料,輔以犯罪學相關理論,解釋台灣海路毒品販運組織運作情形與演變現況,並分析出主要犯罪手法,釐清跨國毒品販運市場變化、組織結構與販運模式,進而提出防制作法與建議。 利用文獻探討法、內容分析法與質性訪談法,以國內外的毒品報告統計數據,蒐集反毒報告書92年至102年的案例118件,結合近5年來海巡署查獲之毒品販運重大案例10件實施分析,針對毒品「販運組織」與「犯罪手法」兩大主題,區分出六項主要概念:(一)毒品販運種類;(二)毒品販運來源地;(三)毒品販運組織;(四)毒品販運管道;(五)毒品販運手法(六)破案關鍵,取樣經驗豐富之查緝人員與組織成員共計九名實施深度訪談。 台灣毒品市場以愷他命為主流,來源地以中國大陸為主,毒品販運組織從事販運手法以海路運輸為大宗。由於網路與智慧型手機發達,販運組織也會使用網路電話以及新興通話軟體,比如QQ、SKYPE、LINE聯繫躲避查緝。研究亦發現幕後有黑道幫派勢力介入,近年來查獲之毒品數量居高不下,執行反毒政策對販運組織而言,沒有因此而減少毒品運輸來台趨勢,在台的反毒戰爭已與美國Skolnic教授之研究結果相似,出現「反毒取締執法無效論」與「國境線上緝毒失敗(無效)論」現象。 毒品販運對於任何國家與社會經濟影響層面非一朝一夕可以解決,緝毒工作更是千頭萬緒,在全球化席捲之世界風潮中,非由一個國家所能獨立完成,全球面對毒品問題的挑戰應該發展出新的策略。


In view of the seriousness of drug problem in this country, especially with age of drug abusers has been in recent years, the quantity of drugs seized is soaring, campus prevalence the in the use of illegal drugs grew seven times over the past six years, it becomes an important issue to cut off the drug source. As for discussing deeply with the modus operandi of drug trafficking organizations, the study utilized criminology theories to explain the conduct of drug-trafficking organizations in Taiwan by sea conditions and evolution of the current situation. Furthermore, the author analyzed the main modus operandi to clarify international drug trafficking market changes in organizational structure and trafficking patterns, then proposed prevention and recommendations. The study adopted literature review , content analysis, interviews and collected foreign drug report statistics, anti-drug report 118 cases between 2003 to 2013, combined with the past five years the Coast Guard seized drugs trafficking 10 cases In accordance with "drugs' trafficking organizations "and" modus operandi "two themes, the study distinguished six main concepts: (1) types of drug trafficking; (2) drug trafficking origin; (3) drug trafficking organizations; (4) drug trafficking pipeline; (5) drug trafficking practices (6) key detection, sampling from interviewing with nine experienced agents. Ketamine becomes to the mainstream in Taiwan drug market, the main source is from the Chinese mainland. Drug trafficking organizations engaged in trafficking by sea route for the bulk. As Internet and smartphones are growing, trafficking organizations also use the Internet phone calls and emerging softwares, such as QQ, SKYPE, LINE to evade investigation. The study also found that the underworld gang forces to intervene. In recent years, the quantity of drugs seized is still high. The anti-drug policies in Taiwan to the trafficking organizations did not reduce drug trafficking. The anti-drug war in Taiwan, the finding is similar to the U.S. Skolnic Professor’s research, appear " Ineffective enforcement of anti-drug theory " and " Border on drug enforcement failed (invalid) theory " phenomenon. Drug trafficking for any country and socio-economic impact is hard to be solved.The drug enforcement is complicated, so courtries have to stand behind the wheel and put it togather for developing a new strategy to against drug.


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