  • 期刊


The Analysis on Model of Drug Crime-Taking Drug Market as Core


由於科技發達及資訊普及,伴隨交通運輸的便利,使毒品交易成爲全球性的毒品市場,而毒品問題也成爲一項全球性的危機。是以,如何有效嚇阻毒品市場的擴散,是刻不容緩的當務之急,如何增加毒品取得的困難度及防治毒品的流通,應在緝毒層面上對於毒品問題有所掌握,故擬藉由對於毒品市場的了解和分析,期得到更全面完整的資訊。 爲對於毒品市場犯罪模式之探索,本研究擬採用現象學質性研究方法,以深度訪談方式選擇豐富個案爲資料蒐集來源,一共十二位曾經參與毒品交易的毒品犯陳述其交易經驗。另外,並以焦點團體座談會,邀請警政、海巡、司法實務界以及專家學者就毒品市場概況提供經驗分享,以期提高研究信度。 針對毒品犯之質性訪談研究結果發現,聯絡管道多以電話爲主、交易場所多根據風險最低原則選擇居多、毒品來源多來自走私進口、交易時間多爲全天候時間的挹注、交易金額則視雙方交情以及當時查緝嚴厲度爲主、使用狀況因爲地區以及毒品種類有所差異、毒品種類以海洛因以及安非他命爲主、交易方法爲現金交易居多而以物易物其次、交易經驗多分享躲避毒品查緝手法、金錢來源多純爲毒品犯罪所得、持槍普遍爲求自我保護、參與幫派部分鮮少、獲利情形明顯、毒品製作過程等。 另外,針對由實務專家學者參與之焦點團體座談會,結果發現,毒品消費市場概況及價格走向方面,第一級毒品爲近年來國內市場的主流,且有漸增之趨勢,顯示「減害計畫」有其必要性且計畫目標正確,第四級毒品先驅原料列入管制,有助於毒品原料之控管,而毒品價格隨著市場供需法則變動;毒品種類及其來源方面,海洛因以走私進口爲主,合成毒品以走私及本土自製爲主,並走向國際化合作網路;運輸以海運和空運爲交通媒介;製造工廠部份,本土已具備自製毒品能力並走向企業國際化;販毒與其他犯罪間之關聯性顯示七成犯罪脫離不了毒品、槍毒合流,吸毒後販毒儼然成爲吸毒犯之不歸路,搶奪、強盜、竊盜等財產性犯罪易成爲吸毒犯金錢來源之最快途徑;毒品交易型態會影響毒品查緝作爲;新興毒品的種類及濫用情形方面,由於新興毒品價格低廉且生產成本低獲利高,易於運輸販賣,吸食者沒有罪責,導致國內新興毒品之使用日趨氾濫等。 經由本研究,提出有掌握毒品來源查緝管道、加強監聽設備及兼顧隱私權保障、設法減低毒品經濟價值、建構毒品犯罪者財產沒收機制、消除製造毒品的技術學習、加重毒品犯罪與相關重大犯罪的刑責、提升毒品查緝的效益、促使「量刑參考準據」的實行以及突破網路查緝的困境,一共十項建議。


毒品犯 犯罪模式 毒品市場


With technology development and information popularization, transportation is getting more and more convenient, which makes drug dealing become a global-level drug market. Therefore, how to prevent the proliferation of drug market effectively are the primary task. In order to increase the difficulty of acquiring drugs and prevent the circulation of drugs, it is important to know more on the level of detecting drugs. In response, this study expects to get more complete information through understanding and analyzing drug market. To explore the crime model of drug market, the study adopted the method of phenomenology research, while data was collected through depth interview and targeting cases. There are 12 drug dealers presented their experience of drug dealings. In addition, focus group discussions were conducted. Experts and officials from the circles of police, marine patrol, justice and administration were invited to improve the understanding of drug market. Through the interviews, the research got the following results: telephone is frequently used for connection; the lowest risk principle is mainly chosen for dealing places; drug resources are most from smuggling import; dealing time is around the clock; dealing amount depends the relationship between two parts and the severe level of seizing drugs at that time; due to different areas and the kinds of drugs, usage status are also different, the main kinds of drugs are heroin and amphetamine; for dealing methods, cash transaction ranks first, barter trade second; main dealing experience is sharing their methods of avoiding been seized; money resource mainly comes from the income of drug dealing; relationship with other kinds of crimes is not obvious; carrying guns to protect themselves is popular; few of them join gangs; profit is high and etc. In addition, through the focus group discussions, the conclusions were drawn as the followings: on the respect of drug consumer market and pricing tendency, the first-degree drugs are the main trend of domestic market in recent years, and it has the trend of increasing gradually, which shows that the goal of 'Harmfulness Deduction Plan' is correct; list the raw materials of the forth-degree under control, which is useful for the raw materials control o f drugs; the pricing of drugs changes with the law of supply and demand; on the respect of the kinds and resources o f drug, heroin is mainly from smuggling import, while synthetic drugs are mainly from smuggling and local manufacture, and both of them are on the way of international cooperation; transportation methods are mainly by air or sea; for the part of manufacturing works, local ones have already been able to manufacture drugs and developing towards international enterprises; the relationship between drug dealing and other kinds of crimes show that 70 percent crimes are related with drugs, and the combination of guns with drugs; first take drugs then sell drags, which has become a one-way journey for drug addicts; property crimes like rape, robbery, theft are easy to be the quickest way of drug addicts' money resource; the methods of drug dealing will affect the results of seizing drugs; on the respect of the kinds and situation of emerging drugs and drug abuse, it has the traits of low pricing, low manufacturing cost, high profit, easy to transport and sell, and drug takers have no responsibility for crime, which lead the consumption of domestic new drugs to increase day by day, etc. Ten tentative suggestions were offered through the study: efforts should be made to master the source of drugs; check the channels of drugs; strengthen audio monitoring equipments, while protect privacy right at the same time; try to reduce the economical value of drugs; set up a expropriation system of property for drug criminals; eliminate the technology learning of manufacturing drugs; make the penalties for drug crimes and related crimes more serious; increase the effectiveness of seizing drugs; promote the implement of 'Reference for Measurement of Punishment'; and breakthrough the difficulty of network inspection.


drug criminals crime mode drug market


