  • 學位論文


A Research on Foreign Passengers engaging in Class A Drug Smuggling at International Airports in Taiwan

指導教授 : 侯崇文


本研究是透過逐一分析近10年來所查獲跨國運輸毒品案件,以瞭解跨國毒品犯罪集團利用空運運輸毒品之型態。由查獲之外籍旅客之基本特性、犯罪利益、犯罪行為、偵查與判決結果之分佈與差異情形,找出高風險群特徵,提供國內查緝機關查辦之參考。 本研究採取內容分析法,係先透過財政部關稅總局取得於國內之國際機場、港口所查獲之跨國運輸毒品案件涉嫌人名冊計752人,依國籍區隔出國人與外籍人士,逐一搜尋內政部警政署刑事警察局所建置「刑事犯罪資料網站」、司法院法學資料檢索系統取得個案判決書、起訴書,發現符合本研究探討之運輸一級毒品之外籍旅客計81人。搜尋所得判決書、起訴書、國人入出境資料後進行綜整與編碼,以SPSS12.0版及excel進行資料整理,並依涉案人基本特性、犯罪利益、犯罪行為、偵查與判決情形等4變項,分別作計數統計、篩選、分類,依據上開特定變項占整體的百分比等頻率分析之統計方法,呈現歸納與分析結果。 本研究發現,可能運輸毒品之外籍旅客,其高風險族群特徵為:男性、年齡在20至50歲間、國籍為馬來西亞或新加坡、來台停留天數在3天以下、毒品起運地為泰國、非由本籍地所屬機場出發、來台前一站機場所屬國家為泰國或馬來西亞。另就犯罪行為與犯罪所得利益之相關性而言運輸毒品之重量、純度與犯罪所得利益無關;另就犯罪人基本特性、犯罪行為與判決結果之關聯性而言,法院判決之刑度與性別、年齡、國籍、偵查中自白情形、犯罪利益、運輸毒品重量、毒品純度、運毒方式並無關。 綜合上述研究發現與我國現階段毒品查緝作為與政策,提出五點建議: 一、結合學術研究以提昇緝毒效能 二、運用犯罪資料庫分析之偵查方式突破以往監控上之盲點 三、貫徹「截毒於關口」為查緝跨國毒品犯罪之策略主軸 四、毒品危害防制條例增列「走私毒品罪」,以與國內之運輸毒品罪有所區隔 五、積極參與國際緝毒行動並結合國際力量打擊毒品犯罪 六、運用控制下交付手段瓦解毒品犯罪組織 關鍵字:空運、外籍旅客、跨國、運輸毒品、高風險族群


The research, through careful analysis in drug smuggling cases cracked in recent 10 years, aims to understand the modus operandi of transnational drug-smuggling criminal gang by means of aircraft transit. Meanwhile, it also recognizes the attributes of the high-risk population for drug-combating authorities’ reference by analyzing common features of arrested foreign travelers, the interests of crime, criminal conducts and the differences of criminal investigation and judgment amongst cases. The methodology adapted in this dissertation is content analysis. From the database of Directorate General of Customs, Ministry of Finance, a list of 752 persons arrested for drug smuggling in the international airports and harbors is collected and filtered for analysis. In the list, Taiwanese nationals and foreign nationals are separated. After that, this research makes use of two databases, crime data system built by Criminal Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency, Ministry of Interior, and Law and Regulations Retrieving System constructed by the Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China, to obtain the verdicts and indictments and find 81 foreign subjects who were arrested for first degree drug smuggling. The next step is to code the above-mentioned data, including traveling records, and to run these variants with SPSS12.0 and Excel. The variants in this research are common features of arrested foreign travelers, the interests of crime, criminal conducts and the differences of criminal investigation and judgment amongst cases. The research finds out the common features of high-risk people as follows: male, aged 20 to 50, Malaysia or Singapore nationals, staying within 3 days in Taiwan, drug collected in Thailand, departure from other countries, the previous stop is Thailand or Malaysia. As for the association between criminal conducts and the interests of crime, the weights and concentration of drugs is negatively associated with the interests of crime. As for the association among the common features of the arrested, criminal conducts and the judicial decisions, the sentence is not statistically associated with gender, age, nationality, confessions during investigation, interests of crime, weights, purity and the way of shipping of drugs. In combination of this research and the present policies and strategies against narcotics in this country, five suggestions/recommendations are provided as follows: 1. Academic studies should be emerged to enhance the effect and efficiency in drug-combating law enforcement. 2. Make use of crime data analyst in investigation to assist the shortcomings in typical surveillance methods. 3. Implement the “to intercept the drug from other countries at the entrance of national border” policy for combating transnational drug-smuggling crime. 4. Legislate the bill of “ narcotics smuggling chapter ”in the law to differ from the domestic transferring narcotics bills. 5. Actively enhance the international cooperation or operation for strengthening the global power against drugs. 6. To crack down the drug crime syndicates by means of control-delivery. Key words: aircraft transit、foreign travelers、transnational、drug-smuggling、high-risk population


