  • 學位論文


The optimization design of Rewind screen Mechanism with Actuated Sprung

指導教授 : 徐孟輝


汽車是近百年來的科技象徵,從世界的第一輛蒸氣汽車、世界第一輛汽油車到現在的太陽能概念車,其周邊的零件及周邊的配件,在人類為了追求更好的生活品質時,許多的產品被的設計出來,樣式及種類多到數不清。 近年來,人類的生活品質提升,在週休二日的風氣帶動中,對車子的需求相對的提升,也帶動了車子周邊產品的需求,例如:汽車改裝燈、汽車窗簾、汽車飾品、、、、等,而汽車窗簾為近年來最熱門的商品,車廠也將此產品作為標準配備。 而本研究針對汽車手動側窗簾在設計與製造過程中,一.須注意何種的設計方式,二.材料的運用:(a).塑膠材料選用 (b).鋼鐵材料選用 (c).彈簧力量的設定選用,三.分析窗簾在作動時所受力及力量的分布方向、材料所受的變形,四.分析並找出此產品的零件最佳化的設計及成品的最佳化的設定。 由以上的結果可得知,汽車手動側窗簾在經過最佳化設定後,只需提供幾個參數,便能得知相關材質、尺寸的設定,可降低設計者的設計時間及降低產品開發所產生的問題點。


彈簧 最佳化


The vehicle is one of important symbols of technology in recent centuries. From the first vapor train, first fuel car to the latest sun-power automobile, diverse and unaccountable car accessories are also invented and designed for use of automobile in order to satisfy people’s desire for the better life. In recent years, thanks to weekends released and more holidays than before, people are able to enjoy a better life quality, coming with more and more needs for vehicles, thus, the demand of the accessories for their automobile is also increasing. For example, the new designed headlamps, sunshades, peripheral auto parts and accessories, etc. Among others, the sunshade becomes one of the most popular auto commodities. The car manufacturers have tendency to integrate sunshade into the standard equipment for their new models. This study accentuates the conception and manufacture process of manual sunshade for automobile: 1. to make the appropriate design ; 2. to adopt the proper materials : a. plastic material ; b. metallic material ; c. strength of the spring ; 3. to analyze the surface stress and the direction of the stress on the unrolled screen, as well as the potential deformation induced by this stress ; 4, analyze and optimize the design and the characteristic parameters of all components and of the finished product. In sum, with a complete optimization for the design of car sunshade, we only need to provide some references, to decide which material or which dimension to adapt to, consequently, the research time of the designer can be saved and the problems occurred during the development phase of the sunshade can also be reduced.


Rewind optimization


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[1] 皇田工業股份有限公司,〝公司產品目錄〞,http://www.sunup.com.tw/index.html
[2] Yahoo!奇摩汽車,〝新車展示〞,http://tw.autos.yahoo.com/newcar.html
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