  • 學位論文

綠色照護對特殊學生學校生活品質影響之初探 -以雲林縣某國中特教班學生養魚輔助活動為例

A Study of Green Care on the Effect of Quality of School Life for Students with Special Needs -An Example of Animal-Assisted Activities with Fish at Yunlin Junior High School in a Special Education Class

指導教授 : 王文瑛




This study attempts to investigate the effects of quality of school life for students with special needs -an example of animal-assisted activities with fish at Yunlin junior high school in a special education class.One of the purpose is to understand the effects of green care animal-assisted activities on students with special needs in quality of school life.The other purpose is to investigate special education teachers and students’ view to this activities. A case study is adopted from the four-week animal-assisted activity with fish courses which are provided by the special education teacher to six subjects twice a week and last for 90 minutes.In respect of the qualitative data, the following qualitative research tools, including observing, interviewing the special education teachers and students and collecting other relevant documents are used .It is found that the green care animal-assisted activities with fish are helpful for these students' positive interactions on quality of school life ; the green care animal-assisted activities with fish are able to enhance these students' quality of school life; and both the special education teachers and students in school have positive and supportive attitude to the green care animal-assisted activities with fish.At the end of this study, the researcher, in view of the above findings, puts forward some suggestions as references for the future researches.


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